Letter to Immanuel, Reiko and Ariel #230 #12 Start of New Year, Ariel Starts Crawling and CNY

Sunday, February 23, 2020 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Children!

Oh my.. by the time Mummy is updating this, it is almost end of Feb. And I am about to talk about the beginning of the year in this entry. Nevertheless, it is always so nice to reminisce and to remind myself time waits for no man... and to treasure each moment together building memories :)

We started off this year on a good note.. doing volunteering! Thanks to Auntie Meijing who told me about it... it is called the Volunteer Switchboard.. we are able to sign up at the website and to indicate the timing that we are interested in. We packed goodies and gave to the residents of Jalan Kukoh. The purpose was also to look at the state of their homes so that we could help them if needed. Looking at the big picture is therefore impt.

Daddy looked so solemn, hehe.. while Imm is just... Anyway Ko was just making herself feel so much at home, looking at this and that at the elders' houses that mummy felt a bit paisei. Till the leader of the volunteer grp say it is ok. In fact, children really brighten up these elders' houses due to their innocence and they open up better... sounds true...

We celebrated popo's bday by going to eat Bak Kut Teh. Yumz!!

Only 2nd week of sch then Mummy got energy to take a photo of both of u together in uniform. Hehe. look at your tired faces..

After a few days can even play lego in the morning already. Children can sure adapt well... :P

And Ariel also eating more of solids already. 7 mths old!!

Imm! Mummy and Daddy are so proud of you for getting the merit bursary award.. :) And you also said you are so proud of yourself. That is more important! Remember this feeling and keep striving for the best. Even if it is not an award or is not recognised, Daddy and Mummy will always be behind you!

 And Imm is sooo happy to finally get his mealworms.. the happiest P3 moment.. hahhaa

Oo so fast it is CNY!! we had steamboat at popo hse..

Ariel's 1st CNY!

The cousins...

Daddy and Mummy look like we have many children!

Yipeee CNY at popo's hse..