Letter to Reiko #41 We Are Back to Singapore!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

The plane ride was significantly more difficult for us when it comes to you as compared to the last time! hehe.... is it because you are just more active and demanding these days? Or just Teeny Terrible Two?

Anyway the journey started significantly well as you played with Imm before we went up to the plane. You all pretended that this structure was a slide and keep sliding and going up again.

This time, it took you a long time to sleep on the plane.. you kept climbing up and down Daddy's and Mummy's lap which was very frustrating because we were super tired and you refused to sleep.. Kor was already deep in sleep! I wish you could sleep more like him at times, haha..

Some people we met on our second day. Auntie Rina, Uncle Andrew and the kids! You love to play with "jie jie". You always like older girls to play with. You were so happy to go to the playground again. However, all hell broke lose because there wasn't any swing at this playground!!! You started crying and everyone knows Koko is a loudhailer :P It took some time before you played *more* happily... :)

On the third day, you started developing a lot of rash on your forehead, arms, back and legs. It was pretty scary. We brought you to see the doctor and we have you a little antihistamine and put calamine lotion for you. 

Mummy played some montessori games with you and made sure you touch every game in the house so it would not be wasted.. haha.. it is so fun for you because there are "new" games everyday.

You love this rabbit that you got from Auntie Ade on your first birthday! We only pumped in air once and it lasted for a year!

On the last day, we went to Auntie Isabel's place and you love riding in this car.

You clung onto Mummy in the beginning and refused to get off my lap.

We tried to take a pic of all the kids on the couch but you just insisted on sitting in this bear.............................

This was you throwing one of your tantrums! Haa!

Now that we are back, all your rash has gone..... It was indeed a fruitful trip anyway as you played with popo a lot and she read lots to you. You just needed to ease into the new weather climate next time. We shall take note to put you in air con room first. After all, most of your life was spent in cooling climates.. :) UK and then Cape Town.

Certainly hope our next flight back would be better!! :p