Letter to Reiko #180 Simple weekend at AMK playground

Sunday, July 29, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

We had a good time last week! though it was simple as Daddy was out almost the whole day. We started our ballet on Sat afternoon now.. You continue to enjoy it... this pic was where we were waiting for our Grab car.. hee..

We went for an evening dinner at Macdonald.. and then to AMK playground. simple and nice! :)

Lots of fun climbing too!

The next day, we also did simple shopping for Imm's soccer items and had dinner at Saizeriya. I guess you liked it there most because you can have your free flow drinks right? :P

Overall, it was a fun weekend!

Letter to Reiko #179 Your 5th Birthday!!

Sunday, July 29, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!

In this entry, we celebrated your 5th birthday!! The weekend was fun as we went to Playfit at OCC.. it was a nice indoor playground.. not that crowded but pretty cold! You were happy climbing inside, playing balls and also riding on these trains with Imm..

The presents that Mummy got for u.. you had been wanting a wand for ages!!!

The surprise bags.. you pasted the stickers.. Mummy made German cookies and also bought some playsand..

Your cake!

Celebrating with your friends in school.. you kept saying you are sooo excited to celebrate your bday. On that day, Mummy finds you look very serious... when everyone sang for you.. this was just the same as you were at 2,3 and 4 years old.. hehehe... 

A photo with Mummy and Daddy! We are happy to see you happy!!

And a pic with Guan Lao Shi, your friend Jaime wanted to be in the pic too!

And with Sirajevi, another of your gd friend..

And guess what? we met Auntie Raudhah when she came back on hol to Singapore.. all the way from Cape Town. It was such a coincidence! Everyone sang a birthday song for you!

Oh yes earlier on during the week, we went to Jacob Ballas Garden for a nice nature walk.. 

we actually played at this digger for a very very long time.. it felt long cos Mummy was really hot!

Ko, Happy Birthday to you once again... You are a big girl now. Thank you for always being so sweet and would come and hug mummy when you see me upset. So happy you are constantly cheerful.. now the only hope we have is that you will continue to grow in sensibility and learn to care for others too! We love you Ko!!

Letter to Imm #180 Simple Fun at AMK Playground

Sunday, July 29, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

A nice photo of you and Ko... Ko just had her ballet and jazz... both of you look so happy together when you are not quarrelling.. hehe... and you had this ridiculous face. Nowadays you are so funny and I would even laugh at your jokes.. haha and you enjoy saying lame riddles like "what do you not eat for dinner?" and the answer would be "lunch". And you would actually repeat them again and again....:P

We went to Ang Mo Kio Park last weekend. We love the sand and playground there right? It was just ooo awesome... we could dig sand and also play the obstacle climb.

And we also had a simple dinner last week before buying your soccer items! You suddenly fell in love with soccer.. so that day we bought clothes and a soccer ball for you :) Mummy did not expect you to be physically active cos you have always been a gentle boy.. but yay... happy you love soccer and love to be active! :)

Letter to Imm #179 Celebrated Ko's Birthday an d A visit to Jacob Ballas...

Tuesday, July 24, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

This week we celebrated Ko's Birthday! It was like a weekend of fun.. we went to Jacob Ballas garden. You were very interested in looking at the map and guiding us where to go again!

This was a small digger thingy but it entertained both of you for a VERY long time.. :)

Kids and nature just go well together!

We also went to a new indoor playground - Playfit at Orchid Country Club.. it was really fun! Lots of space to run inside!

After that we went to have dinner at Marche with Godpa and Godma... and we met Auntie Raudhah! What are the chances.. all the way from Cape Town!! hehe...

Some pics you drew in the week.. I felt that you are a very good artist! :)

And also happily drawing your life cycle of a frog:)  You told me I must send the pic to Mrs Segar, you English Teacher :)

Yay This is you in a nutshell this week... loving play, drawing and having lots of fun. Mummy is happy to see you and Ko growing well together!!!

Letter to Immanuel #178 Outing to Museum and Celebrating Mummy's Birthday

Sunday, July 08, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

How could I miss this pic of you in our last blog post?? You were so excited abt it cos it is half of your name "wong kok kuen". Daddy and I are excited too! We ended up eating  a very nice meal there.. your Nissin noodles lo!

Mummy was on leave.. so we went to watch Incredibles! you loved it.. but halfway you were very hungry and kept asking when it will end. We caught another of Incredibles at our Netflix with Ko.. you love the baby with special powers.. :)

After the movie, you ate  2 floss buns!!

Looking super duper happy sitting at the bar table to eat. weekends are fun and relaxing!

And you sure had a great time with Eli! you kept holding his hands and taking care of him.... :)

Crazy pic of the boys....

This week we also celebrated Mummy's birthday! It is so fun to have everyone together..

I sure love our family times... I hope you remember them as you grow up... :) Mummy will surely etched them in my heart...

Letter to Reiko #178 Celebrating Mummy's Birthday and Outing to the National Museum

Sunday, July 08, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

A happy family pict with all of us! Celebrating Mummy's birthday with a rainbow cake... I wish that our lives will be filled with colour everyday :) and our loved ones will be happy, healthy, leading fulfilling lives...

The candle is too big right?? heheh.... I love this pict with you! And you ate up all the mangoes actually.. what's new... haha.. mummy is happy to see you happy anyway.. and it sure doesn't take much!!

This time a family pic!

We also had another cake later in the week cos Daddy ordered earlier.. Mummy thinks that cakes are very important for milestones.. hahha.. is symbolic! so Daddy had to buy lo... hehe... anyway you love the jelly ONLY.. it is a cheesecake below.. pretty nice... from Fro-roll...

Random moments of a weekend... eating kway teow soup weekly.. this is the first time both of you sat at the bar table and ate..

That weekend, we spent with Eli at the National Museum..

If you want to grab the moon too, Uncle Philip will help you..

Huddling in a cave?

I have no idea where this pict was taken.. I found it in Daddy's camera roll.. but it is nice :)

Is this fun? or confusing.. judging from both of your looks..

Dinner together at Marche.. it is like our favourite place.. cos it has a playground.. our favourite rost, pasta, icecream and drink.. plus coffee.. yumzz!!

A pict of you at mama house bringing back your favourite mangoes... I can imagine your happiness.. you would always request the part with the seed.. :D