Letter to Immanuel #177 Trip to JB (17th to 19th June)

Saturday, July 07, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm,

All I can say is you and your favourite Nissin kinda noodles. hehe.. you just love all these seemingly "unhealthy stuff". And you like cup noodles.. sigh. but now at least it is a snack.. after the proper meals.. haha!! We had this on the 2nd night when we were in JB.. it was fun.. just enjoying time together as family!

This pict also clearly represented your new hairstyle by Daddy "Live Long and Prosper". He cut for you for the first time!

At the Angry Bird Park, you also build some weights on your own.. you were upset when certain parts kept coming out and things did not go your way.. Mummy had to keep telling you that it is ok.. hehe..

Shoot away!

And it is time to have a break.. this was at SDS cafe inside Fanpekka... it was nice.. we spent the whole day there on the first day. Angry Bird park was not as fun hor..

Daddy went to buy breakfast for us on the second day... yumz!!! we love the noodles.. the ice milo was soo good too and also the banana cake!!! The shop "Hua Mei" is known for their banana cake..

Another fun thing we did on the last day was baking! You love to mix and stir.. we were making the mixture for our millicrepe cake..

It is done! Lot with Daddy's help.. this millicrepe requires lots of patience as he had to cook it layer by layer..

After that we went to Ikea.. this screen was so fun!! we could pose and it would show hideous distorted versions of it.. we actually stayed with this for a very long time... hhehe.. Mummy had a fun time laughing with you and ko!

And we must also have our favourite icecream! cheap and good!

we also became friends of Ikea... it is so cute.. they had a little book with your photo on it.. it is the little things that makes you all happy:)

Imm, it had been so fun with you.. could see you growing up, being more sensible and taking care of Ko... you are becoming a responsible big brother now... :)