Letter to Immanuel, Reiko and Ariel #226, #8 Imm's Sacrament of Reconciliation, Ariel's Baptism, Ko's Dress Up

Friday, October 04, 2019 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Kiddos!

This is a long-awaited letter because Mummy had been so busy after I started work. It was indeed a transition but quality time as a family is still as important and of cos our regular letters. :) Here is a reminder of our memories!


You had your first Sacrament of Reconciliation! You told us that you were really nervous. Mummy felt that the church did a very good job in making it as meaningful as possible, especially for the children. It was symbolic cos we had to turn the initial black hood the opposite way which was white, after your confession, bringing new meaning that now you are pure again after confessing your sins. :) I wondered what sins you confessed, haha... hm now Daddy and Mummy must make it a point to try and remember to go confession with you, we confess that it is something we do not put on our priority list. :P

This is you hugging Ariel again. You are such a wonderful brother, I have to say that again. You take over when Ariel cries and give more time for us to run over.


We attended Katelyn’s party and you loved to do the shrinky dink. Auntie Diana made it into a necklace for you. You are super happy and wore it like a medal around your neck all the time.

A picture with Katelyn. Looks like both of you get along very well together. Mummy only caught up with Auntie Diana recently and we went to her new place (not so new cos she moved in a year ago). Still, we had fun exploring her 7 storey house.

And Imm of cos had fun doing silly things like these. :P

After the party, together we met Godma, godpa, Eli and had a picnic at Marina barrage. We love the company, the nature and the scenery of the skyline as day turns to night. 

So sweet, what a nice picture and the memory of the soothing winds.

And godbrothers that could lean on each other for life.

School holidays time! We always had to work on a budget but this is Daddy's forte. We settled on a staycation at downtown east. It was Super nice! We enjoyed the water play at wild wild wet. Daddy and Mummy were badly sunburnt though. 

Yes and Ko, this is you wearing your medal. Hehe. We had two nice big beds and we caught up on th series "night at the museum". At staycations, it was almost like to catch up on the series movies.


I think you enjoyed yourself at Wild Wild Wet. You also got a chance to get wet cos Mummy and Daddy would carry you after we enjoyed the water games, hehe.. Just not wild.

Guess what?! We met with Uncle Keith and family. They were there cos it was Kenderick's birthday. What a coincidence! So with more people, Imm and Ko definitely had more fun with the older children:)

We took a walk by the beach and just spent sometime enjoying nature.

While Imm dug a hole for himself to lie in. We actually spent close to 2 hours there I think! Before Daddy and Mummy got frustrated from sitting around and yelled at both of you to get your butts moving. Hehe..

Another fun memory.. Mid autumn! Adults sure doesn't remember how sparklers can be so fun till we played it again.

20 boxes of sparklers! It was amusing to see the 3 children being so afraid and squealing with excitement. :)

After we finished the sparklers, we lighted the lanterns like a symbolic gesture and toured round the small "garden".  


We had our baptism for you finally! It was a nice simple ceremony with the other babies. Auntie Rina and Uncle Andrew are officially your Godparents! After your baptism, Mummy straight away went to shave your hair that week  and so... we have BTG - Botak girl. 

Your hair still safely intact here but it was growing way wildly and starting to stand weirdly like grass.

A photo together! Somehow the priest just looked tired after baptising all the babies.. hehe

This was before we set off for church. Mummy had such fun dressing you up. I still remembered ordering this dress from Taobao when I was 6 months pregnant. Talk about planning ahead.

Your godparents! Not supposed to blow the flame off.. suppose to keep it burning and then use the hand to wisp the flame off...

And soon after that, you turned 4 months. You are constantly smiling daily and just growing cuter by the moment.

Other symbolic phases of our lives...

While Mummy went for class, Daddy brought you all to Uncle Tj place to play. Looked like both Imm and Ko had a lot of fun!! 

And we finally went to Jewel... took a picture there to prove it.

A normal day in which Daddy looked tired after working hard. And baby looks alert because she had enough sleep for the day.

Another thing was that Popo went for her operation. She was away for a month. It had been a journey full of ups and downs as we wondered whether to have another helper for her. Thanks to God's graces and prayers, she seemed to be recovering and is now back with us. Here are some of the pictures when we visited her... 

And here's the end of my long entry..........