Letter to Immanuel, Reiko and Ariel #234 #16 Ariel's Birthday

Sunday, July 26, 2020 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm, Ko and Ri,

In this entry, Ariel is the star!! Dear Ariel, We could not celebrate outside as it was still during Circuit Breaker, thus we had a small cosy celebration at home :) It was nice using the extra time we had to do something special! Like a mini photoshoot... this was only one of the dozen pictures of you sitting in various movements and positions...

We all hoped you will smash and literally dig into the cake but you seemed to know that cakes are meant to be eaten, savoured finely and not dug into, it was much to the disappointment of your jie... who keeps asking us to smash into you since you don't want to make the first move...

Singing the birthday song!

You seemed to look intensely at the candlelight..

More pics of you on random days at popo house..

And we rushed to do your passport before you turned 1 year old.. cos it will be free to make it then.. taking a photo of you against a white background was tough!

You just love eating!

and sleeping in this manner.. your favourite pose.. :)

Celebrations of many many... and Mummy learnt to make mojito...

And drink together with Imm and Ko.. I think both of you had jia jia liang teh in the wine glasses.. haha..

while I drank alcohol with Daddy!

Look at Imm's disapproving look when he was made to pose with alcohol.. good boy!

We also attended zoom masses online with our new altar.. the old piano was transformed into an altar.

Imm, you loved to follow artbox on youtube and follow the drawings :)

While Ko likes to chill with her fruit puree and manual machine..

Mummy baked some cake to try out..

and my first time at lemon curd too.. not bad!

Auntie Meijing sent us some cookies to decorate..

It was a fun activity, both Imm and Ko enjoyed ddecorating and Ariel enjoyed eating.. as always!

wow!! sent by Uncle Mark and Pam.. it was a basket of bread goodies from Konditori..

Look who's the one peaking inside first..

We had a mini steamboat and grill session to celebrate Ariel's birthday that day..

Eating together is what makes a family!

And Ariel was also taking her first steps then..

Tucking in into bread goodness.. Goodness!

Oh Mummy also tried to make bubble earl grey tea.. tastes great!

And sous vide salmon was our favourite

Yay what an awesome May!!

Hi kiddos, I hoped you enjoyed this time as Mummy did... doing all the little fun new things. Ariel, you have grown so well and so much.. I hope you will continue to be happy. You definitely bring joy to all of us and we love you!!!