Letter to Immanuel, Reiko and Ariel #245 #26 East Coast, Playdate at Auntie Meiting's house. Apr 2021

Thursday, June 10, 2021 0 Comments A+ a-

 Hi Imm, Ko and Ri!

Yay April! we went to the new part of East Coast beach. It was really crowded but thank goodness the beach was ok. It was Ariel's first time being with sand too.. Imm attended a friend's birthday party so it was just a day out with the girls!

Love the pics where the background was blurred..

And after that we went to eat at isteaks at Serangoon garden, the food's really good!

And we have learnt that Ariel really loves chocolate.. a lot!

Another butterfly we released this month..

Yay Auntie Meiting's house where we have nice meals and games to play together. It is fun cos also 3 kids and all of you are so close in age..

Look at the shelves packed with games..

Imm's favourite game is undoubtedly Happy Dim Sum..

Auntie Meiting says she is always happy cos all of you like her food.. hehe... hurray and welcome to more playdates together!