Play #1 Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

Sunday, July 05, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Today, we went for our first play with Immanuel and Reiko. My husband wanted to bring Immanuel to watch Avengers earlier in the year but they did not allow kids below 10 yrs of age (This was in Cape Town). Anyway there are several plays this month because it is the school holidays! So I hope we will be watching more of the plays.

We went to purchase the tickets directly from the booth as it was showing near our place (within a walking distance). Initially, we wanted to have lunch first but saw the queue and decided to just queue so that we can have good seats. It was for our 2 pm show. Luckily, I packed some healthy tidbits plus jelly and husband went to buy drinks. It was good we had a late breakfast too. A mental note to myself: Always have some ready snacks to have happy kids esp if things do not go as planned or are delayed. Tired and hungry kids always spoil the day.

The good thing is that the tics cost R 75.. around $10... so for $40, a family could watch a nice play... it would not be so possible in Singapore... :)

How the stage looks like:

Reiko was very scared initially as she saw that it was dark. Nowadays, she seemed to be scared of monsters and such. Sometimes she would run to me and bury her face in me when she sees "scary" pics of monsters, witches etc. But she was ok after a while. In fact, both of them were mesmerized throughout the whole show. It was good that the play lasted for only 50 mins. A good duration so that the kids do not get restless.

Well, Immanuel's favourite character was the witch... maybe cos she sang the most? Haha.. Reiko says she likes the "children".. probably the dwarves.

Anyway, I always love introducing fairytales to the kids for general knowledge and I believe kids should have their own imagination and fantasy worlds, just like how I did when I was young. However, must tell Immanuel one day that the concept of "prince charming" and "love at first sight" is probably not the norm. :P