Letter to Imm #187 Swimming Exam and Outing with Darryl

Sunday, September 30, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

You had your swimming test recently... swimming had always been an emotional hurdle for Daddy and me... cos you would find the water cold and not swim for a whole hour at times. Over a few yrs, we changed swimming many times, trying to make it suitable for you.. and that is why you are only at swimsaver stage 2 now.. sigh.. but we will let you do it at your own pace ok? We will always support and encourage you...

Daddy and Mummy also had a nice time at Lokal that weekend.. filled with gratitude that you and ko are under good care while we can also have a break time.. ready to be refilled with energy for you..

We need to work hard and play hard!!

We also had a nice outing to Sentosa with Darryl too! Nice cooperation there, bringing the items along for the picnic!

Happiness is having ice cold jelly in the hot sun!

Or building little structures...

Or having Fri family meals!!

They look huge.. even bigger than your face imm! :P

Letter to Reiko #187 Fun at Sentosa with Darryl and Memorable Times At Home

Sunday, September 30, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!

Kor had no school 2 weeks ago.. so Daddy brought both you, Imm and Darryl out to Sentosa! it was really fun and you enjoyed playing with Darryl right? We just love to see you kids so happy!

Enjoying jelly on a hot hot day!!

I love this pic of the 3 of you!!

I heard that Imm did not want to play in the water at first so you played with Darryl and Imm joined you all later.. hehe..

Mummy wished I could be there too to play with you and enjoy the hot weather... but trying to save my off days!

Another yummy thing we did on a Fri was eating our Western meal in the comfort of our house.. heheh....

Look at your crazily happy face! :P

Letter to Reiko #186 Our Mini Trip to JB (2nd - 4th Sep)

Tuesday, September 25, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!

I love this pic of you!!:) somehow you looked so matured.. a little waitress serving in a restaurant. This was at Fanpekka during our JB trip. Both you and Kor loved fanpekka and Mummy loves it soo cos there are lots of pretend play activities like these!

Ok recap recap! our first stop was at M cafe.. M at mickey mouse... and thats where we get our cup for you too!! I am surprised you chose black instead of red too..

Enjoying the lemon from the drink as usual.. hehe mummy is surprised that you really enjoy lemons! and yes when life hands you lemons, make lemonade!

Playing happily at a small mall... :) I am enjoying the times when both you and Kor can play like this.

And onward to another of our favourite places.. Ikea! the play area was closed already on the first day but we still enjoyed by watching shows and also having your icecream!

Back in our Air BnB where you and Kor have cotton candy... all your favourite things.. sweet stuff... and I am always telling you, yes, wait your teeth rotten! :P

The next day, we had toastbox breakfast before Mummy went to do my hair for almost 6 hrs while both you and Kor played at Fanpekka!!

The third day, We had awesome dimsum for breakfast and you had your favourite porridge :)

After that, we tried skating.. it was pretty fun though it was not really on ice. Mummy's feet was rather tired after a while.. but you looked like you had a lot of fun!

And now we came to the end of our mini trip... we built, tasted and savoured nice family memories.. I guess only with times like these, Mummy and Daddy really put aside our work and spend time together. There are usually too many distractions on a normal work day or even weekends hor... 

Letter to Imm #186 Short and Simple Hol in JB (2nd-4th Sep 2018)

Saturday, September 22, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

During the school hols, it had kinda become a norm for us to go to JB... save costs but must also enjoy! Mummy is thankful that we can still have moments like these even with Daddy flexi work arrangements. :) This was our first stop!! M-cafe.. M for Mickey!

And you were really so interested in this game.. Mummy used to play this Ludo game. I think I still have it in the cupboard! Must search for it... thankful that I blogged so I am recalling this now. :) Daddy also taught you chn chess.. he really know so many games, hehe...

We spent quite a bit of time at this mall.. couldn't remember the name cos it was really small! Only a supermarket and a few eating places.

One of our favourite stops is at Ikea! Since we reached late and could not enter the play area anymore, we still get to watch show and have ice cream! whoopee!We went to Ikea twice... you and Ko manage to go and play in the play area while Daddy and Mummy shopped.

And we went back to the Air BnB at Austin Heights.. it is nice and cosy.. is called Kisssimon U Home @ Akademik Suite.. and there both of you enjoyed the cotton candy! Both of you really enjoy :) Mummy loves seeing both of you so happy though I disapprove of too much sweeet stuff, such a dilemma.. hehe..

The 2nd Day, Mummy went to do my hair. We had brekkie at toastbox. Mummy and Daddy were upset with you cos you didn't eat much, as usual! :(

Fun at Funpekka making burgers!

And pizza...

We went to have brekkie at Gim Cheng the next day. It was really pretty awesome! love to have cheap and good breakfast. As usual, you will eat Pau :)

Initially, we wanted to stay at Austin heights for water play but it was raining on the 3rd day and we thought that it would be more suitable when you and Ko are older. So we went to have our try at bowling! you enjoyed it very much! Your first experience at bowling was with your K2 friend Ashton and you had been wanting to go again.. glad we have the chance! Not crowded and Mummy don't feel embarrassed as there are less people watching.. hehe!

we also went to Austin Heights for "ice skating", it wasn't really on ice though, to our disappointment but at least it is not so slippery.

Hope you had a gd time Imm, Daddy and Mummy certainly did.. and soon it is back to school once more... time passes quickly when we are enjoying... remember to savour the moments Imm..

Letter to Immanuel #185 Fun at Admiralty Park and Alex's First Communion

Friday, September 07, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

We discovered another new park recently - Admiralty Park! It was really crowded when it was new, now it is relatively empty... and cos we also went at a time when it was really hot! The pic so nice cos it is so bright and sunny! :)

You hugged Ko as you went down this bumpy slide, which was really cute!!! :)

And then doing something you really love.... playing with sand! Both of you were at the sand area for 2-3 hours!

Oh yes and we also had Alex's first Holy Communion!

Look at the pics that the children did... really nice!

We then had a meal at Fusion Spoon... where the kids get to play and eat. :) You sure had lots of fun playing with Alex while Ko plays with Clara...

Mummy left early but you and Ko still get to walk around and feed the fish with Daddy, something both of you love to do!

A pic together!

We gave Alex a small table crucifix for his first Holy Communion... hope he liked it!

As Mummy attended the session, I realised that time passes very quickly and it will be your turn soon for first Holy Communion. You asked me what it tasted like and I said it is rather plain. You said "how can it be plain?" Hehe... Hope you can continue to grow in faith and be ready when the time comes. The meaning behind it is even more important! Hope Daddy and Mummy will be ready to answer your 1001 questions regarding faith in future. We will try our best ok?