Letter to Reiko #186 Our Mini Trip to JB (2nd - 4th Sep)

Tuesday, September 25, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!

I love this pic of you!!:) somehow you looked so matured.. a little waitress serving in a restaurant. This was at Fanpekka during our JB trip. Both you and Kor loved fanpekka and Mummy loves it soo cos there are lots of pretend play activities like these!

Ok recap recap! our first stop was at M cafe.. M at mickey mouse... and thats where we get our cup for you too!! I am surprised you chose black instead of red too..

Enjoying the lemon from the drink as usual.. hehe mummy is surprised that you really enjoy lemons! and yes when life hands you lemons, make lemonade!

Playing happily at a small mall... :) I am enjoying the times when both you and Kor can play like this.

And onward to another of our favourite places.. Ikea! the play area was closed already on the first day but we still enjoyed by watching shows and also having your icecream!

Back in our Air BnB where you and Kor have cotton candy... all your favourite things.. sweet stuff... and I am always telling you, yes, wait your teeth rotten! :P

The next day, we had toastbox breakfast before Mummy went to do my hair for almost 6 hrs while both you and Kor played at Fanpekka!!

The third day, We had awesome dimsum for breakfast and you had your favourite porridge :)

After that, we tried skating.. it was pretty fun though it was not really on ice. Mummy's feet was rather tired after a while.. but you looked like you had a lot of fun!

And now we came to the end of our mini trip... we built, tasted and savoured nice family memories.. I guess only with times like these, Mummy and Daddy really put aside our work and spend time together. There are usually too many distractions on a normal work day or even weekends hor...