Letter to Immanuel, Reiko and Ariel #251 #32 Playground dinners, Okonomiyaki and pizza fun

Sunday, November 14, 2021 0 Comments A+ a-

 Hi Imm, Ko and Ri!

Something we did more of this month was colouring the pictures for Little Faith Steps. Another motivation was getting featured in the video.. which we were.. twice!

Ariel, managed to do our dot dot art with you. You really enjoyed it!

Ko, your drawing is so pretty.. you probably got the inspiration because it was Daddy and Mummy's wedding annivesary this month! 11 years!

We like the train playground at Tiong Bahru and went twice this month. Daddy went and got dinner for us..  one time, he got us all our faves! Imm was Japanese curry chicken rice, ko was fish and chips and Mummy's one was unagi and rice. woohoo! that was how we spent our dinner time, eating at playgrounds since can only eat in 2s during the Endemic restrictions.

This time, it was drizzling a little thus Imm and Ko were digging sand under the train. While Ariel does her catwalk.

Another fun thing we did was trying to make Okonomiyaki. Mummy got the ingredients from Don Don and we were able to follow step by step following the video.

We put chicken inside. It was so good and everyone loved it. Imm loves the sauce especially. Ko loves the cabbage. It was a good experience for all of us definitely.

And because it was such a good cooking experience following week, auntie made pizza with both of you the following week!

To carry out our goals to be a FF - fit family, we went to Decathlon to get badminton rackets and new soccer shoes for imm. we also got a cart so that we can use it on our family outings together... whoppee!!

We discovered a treasure near sgoon gardens, this deserted playground in which we could have all to ourselves and play badminton. It was sooooo awesome! we had a picnic and also played badminton after that. Our fun was cut short when it rained shortly but we still had a good time :)

Hi Children, hope that we can always make good use of what is given to us. Despite the inconveniences of the restrictions, we all had a good time when we are spending time together and making up our minds to enjoy ourselves no matter what, these are definitely important life lessons! May we continue to discover new playgrounds and have fun no matter what :)