Letter to Immanuel, Reiko and Ariel #261 #42 Daddy and Imm Birthdays, visit to the zoo

Wednesday, September 28, 2022 0 Comments A+ a-

 Dear Imm, Ko and Ri,

Wow this month we have 2 birthday celebrations!! First we had Daddy's one first.. got his usual favourite - Coco Exotic cake from Fourleaves. Was awesome! 

Eli also came over to play and it was great having all the kids surrounding Daddy.. :)

Then we also had another birthday celebration at Auntie Joan's place..

And then... it was also Imm's birthday!! Got his favourite macaroons.. this time from Annabella... Mummy love all the different flavours! can't remember what flavour are the colours but I know they are not so sweet and thus, very nice!

Imm's presents.. gave you a periodic table puzzle since you are into it now! Hope you had a good 11th birthday celebration boy, know that you didn't like cakes so got you macaroons.. you continue to enjoy science very much and enjoy learning about facts :) You are also an understanding brother to your two sisters or at least try very hard to be :) Mummy and Daddy are very proud of you!!

This year was also a year for independence as you went for your p5 camp. You were very independent in packing the stuff you need.. Mummy was amazed!

Look at the bags you had to carry!

You have also been very fond of drawing these series lately. You would watch the youtube on how they do it and then draw and colour on your own. It looks simply amazing!

Besides signing up for the annual cable car package, Daddy also signed up for the zoo package. It was funny how we did not go to zoo for so many years and suddenly is very into it now, haha.. here we are watching the zoo show!

What Big turtles!

Ouch! the hippo just bit my leg! Ariel would also go " it is not hippo, it is hippotamus when mummy said it was a hippo....

On other stay home evening times, we would play games, this was Imm's new present, "hot soup". Daddy had found his strategy and would keep winning, much to our annoyance.. haha!

We went for another playdate at Aunt Ash house and enjoyed a wonderful cooked lunch!

Ariel also enjoyed playing the the cat Elsa! Elsa would normally hide away when visitors come, so this was one of the rare moments!

We really enjoyed spending time as a family and also with friends this month. Whooppee!! 

Letter to Immanuel, Reiko and Ariel #260 #41 Reiko's 9th Birthday, Playdates with Erik, Caleb, Cable Car Rides

Monday, September 26, 2022 0 Comments A+ a-

 Dear Imm, Ko and Ri,

We celebrated Ko's birthday in July! Happy Birthday Ko! First Auntie Meijing arranged a surprise play and swim date for Ko and we bought a cake to celebrate.

With Kate and Tyler!

And then later on in the day with family! 

Later on in the week we also had HDL, it was our first time and surprisingly, everyone loved it especially Imm! Dear Ko, we indeed have a lot of meals and little gifts, we got the golden necklace and also your white fleece jacket... :) Although you turn 9 this year, we have always thought that you are really matured in your thinking. Especially when Mummy was not well, you really took care of me well and comforted me with your wise words and actions. We pray that you will continue to be happy and healthy. Your recent wish is that everyone can go to heaven and we were so touched when we heard that.

See Ko showered with lots of love by her siblings!

Now, some cute sides of Ariel as she is growing up... Ariel, you look forward to rainy days and love wearing your rainboots and raincoat. Mummy bought a pair of little pony books for you.

You also love playing with these connecting sticks, look at how many circles you have made with them :)

You also love to dress up for special occasions celebrated in school..

Enjoying the doughnuts made by Auntie Vika..

Daddy also signed up for an annual cable car package to also celebrate Ko's birthday, we will remember this for sure!

We took the cable car in the evening and it was lovely watching the evening scenery around us..

Aunt Elaine also brought Imm and Ko on an outing and also to eat at Sushi express... so grateful to have parent friends and kids friends!

We also went for a playdate at Aunt Ashanti's place and Imm and Ko had a fun time playing Nintendo Switch while Ri enjoyed swimming with Mummy and Daddy.

Imm also had his fair share of fun on a playdate with his friend, Caleb and Caleb's friends. These days, Imm, you always have friends asking you out on playdates, even when they are not your classmates now, looks like you are very popular!

Wow, looks like we had such an eventful month and we will continue to have fun and build good memories!

Letter to Immanuel, Reiko and Ariel #259 #40 Bintan Trip, Slime and Candy Workshop, Playdates with Shane, Adrianne

Thursday, September 15, 2022 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm, Ko and Ri!

We had a very fulfilling Month of June as we went on our Bintan trip and also had playdates during the school hols :) One of the events we went to in the beginning of the hols was National Musuem exhibition on 1970s to 1990s technology. We saw what life was in the 1970s to 1990s, including the Nokia 3310 phone.

Some of the games that were played!

We took a photo together too.. Mummy felt that it looked a bit freaky in black and white, haha.. really like the olden times.

And next.. our highlight of the trip was our Bintan trip! First we went to Annon, our glamping trip.. the tents look so pretty!

We also had a lot of fun doing the water activities there.. look at the clear blue water!

The obstacle course was really challenging... the fear of slipping off.. Mummy had an achy leg then and it was even more challenging. Imm could strategize pretty well and Ko was very supportive in encouraging Mummy. Daddy was taking care of Ariel as she was too young to play in that area.

We love the buggy rides a lot!

And then this was our Banyan tree resort... simply amazing!

Daddy also planned birthday celebations for Mummy.. love the effort and artwork :)

One of the more memorable times was doing this lantern wish thingy.. writing our wishes and then floating it up in the sky... at that time Mummy was not well and both Imm and Ko wrote that Mummy will get better..

Mummy wrote with Ri for hers... She loves her family and friends..

From Daddy!

Look at the lovely sceneries. We loved looking at the sunrise and sunsets the 2 days we were there..

Another birthday surprise decor! 

This is our pool outside the Banyan tree resort.

Besides our Bintan trip, next is the playdate at Shayne's and Shermaine's place, your preschool friends... its nice that their parents planned activities for the kids and both Imm and Ko had a lovely time!

We then also went to Uncle Justin's and Auntie Mei Ting's house to swim and play...

She cooked dinner for us. Both Imm and Ko always enjoy the food there and not Auntie Mei Ting's children. Its vice versa.. how come the children always don't enjoy their Mummy's food ah?

Auntie Huiwen and Uncle Guo An also came ot visit. Only Ariel was in.. look at how cute Bb Alyssa is!

We had a candy making and slime making workshop too.. here we are making the slime!

It was pretty nice and therapeutic mixing and stirring..

Went out with Celeste, her mum and sisters after that..

Oh yes! The candy we made.. pretty colours and very enticing too..

Next we went to Nex as there was a roadshow about dinosaurs, something that Ariel likes... they were giving out flower balloons as it was the last day..

We also make Takoyaki balls!

There was cheese and chicken inside... it was really yummy!

Mummy is glad that we had a fulfilling hols and spent fun times together as a family and with our friends too... it was nice catching up and just enjoying ourselves together. Looking forward to the next hol!