Letter to Immanuel, Reiko and Ariel #258 #39 Ariel 3rd birthday, Damien birthday, Mother's Day

Thursday, September 01, 2022 0 Comments A+ a-

 Hi Imm, Ko and Ri,

It definitely was a celebration May this year... 

In fact we had 3 celebrations for Ariel! Ariel, you are such a chocolate lover, even before we arranged the candles, you wanted to use your finger to take a dip of the chocolate! This was the cake that Auntie Vika had painstakingly made.. Mummy just realised that I don't have a photo of both of you together.. we definitely to dedicate a post for her efforts. The first time she put the icing on the cake and brought it to the living room, she slipped and the cake fell. She cried and redid the cake despite us saying it is ok.. and now just look at this wonderful cake..

Blowing out the candle. one of the most important moments!

Oh yes, Eli came for the celebration too! Imm was holding a balloon drink.. but looks like a gun he is holding..

A pic with popo and gong gong too!

And then.. we had the second celebration at Godma Rina and Godpa Andrew's place..

Ariel looked sad cos she wanted to be near mummy and daddy..

It is ok! We just need to get used to hanging out together more with Godpa and Godma :)

Look at Ariel's cheeky face!

Before the celebration, we had a swim together, looked at the god brothers and sisters faces compared to all of ours..

And then one more celebration in school with this Hello Kitty cake.. isn't Ariel a very blessed girl? Happy 3rd Birthday again! You have definitely grown up well... and very loved by all of us!

Ariel and Imm also had fun bonding time during one of Ko's art sessions. We went to Labrador Park. Imm took care of Ariel well and played with whatever she wanted at the playground.

Another occasion was Mother's Day! Loved the drawing on the white board when Imm and Ko told Mummy not to worry, you both will study hard when Mummy was not well and unable to coach you all in your work.

The present that Ko made whilst Imm and Ariel were at the playground..

And the toast that Auntie Vika and Ko made together..

Mummy really enjoyed it!

The second playground that we went to was at Ang Mo Kio.. we would sometimes also have our picnic there..

Oh! The next happy thing was that the Mexican family managed to gather after a long time cos of the Covid period. Everyone turned up to celebration Damien's 6th birthday and they also surprised mummy by celebrating my birthday too!

Auntie Becky also introduced a roller blading coach to us.. Uncle Oliver! He brought Imm and Ko roller blading whilst Mummy cycled with Auntie Becky. We passed by really lovely sights and the weather was great!

Look at both Imm and Ko's happy faces!

Ariel scooted around on her own independently for many hours!

And also helped herself to her favourite snacks after that..

Auntie Becky was the best organiser of such events. They brought along a table and we could have a celebration together.. First with the kids..

Then without..

Happy Birthday Damien!!!

Auntie Becky and Uncle Mun also prepared a small cake for Mummy..

And we also had small cupcakes made by Auntie Vika!

Daddy was also happy sharing hearts with his two good friends, Uncle Kenneth and Uncle Mun! Everyone was really happy that day.

Next was an activity intended for Ko.. meeting one of her favourite authors Vivian Teo! We managed to go to a book session at the National Lib and got her autograph on all 4 books of "my bff is an alien".

Ko really love her books.. highly recommended!

We also spent precious moments at a cafe called "Moments". It was just walking distance from our place so we went two times that month, once to have dinner and once to have breakfast..

Random moments whilst playing with these sticks that can be connected together.. we made helmets..

And astronaut suits..

Last of all, during our very spare moments, we would create masterpieces like this.. Ko drew this..

whilst Imm did the following..

Imm described this as a monster tearing through paper... Mummy was so astounded at what Imm could come up with and his artistic talent.

And that comes to the end of the post... Mummy definitely had a fun time capturing these wonderful moments. May we continue to celebrate life with our family and friends!