Letter to Immanuel, Reiko, Ariel, Ezekiel Nov 24 #288 #69 #4 Eze's 100 day, Mama bday, Illumi, JB
Hi Kiddos!
The most significant event in Nov would be celebrating Eze's 100 day!! We celebrated at Auntie Serene's house. Nice cosy gathering when Uncle Greg, Uncle Keith, Auntie Mary cooked for us. We were blessed to have family members who can cook well! It was also to celebrate Mama's birthday!
We also grew during the hols. Bi became more independent. She can do her own face painting now when Jie and Mummy is not free... heheee
She also wrote postcards to her friends. She only needed to ask how to spell a few words and could write and draw simple pictures :)
Haircuts are always fun! Look at bi's happy face!
Imm also grew more independently as he learnt how to cook this hols. He cooked simple fried rice and pasta. He also won a cooking competition when competing with Aunt Joan and Darryl, haha! That was because he added oyster sauce, the magic ingredient!
Auntie Joan also taught Imm how to scale a fish and he offered to scale my salmon for mummy so I can bring to work to cook it.
One of the family activities we did was to visit Illumi, the set up with beautiful lights!
Ariel simply loves to pose. Which one is the penguin?
Daddy also has a secret talent.
Hugging the bright monkey.
Squeezing in a family shot.
Another highlight was going JB and discovering fei fei xie, a crab restaurant!! Ate our fills, especially Imm, who simply loves chilli crab these days!
Hey Kiddos! It's the start of the school holidays and we had our share of fun! More to come towards the end of the year!