Letter to Reiko #122 SIA Family Day and Dumpling Festival

Wednesday, May 24, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Mummy love your cheeky smile.. hhahha.. Daddy managed to take this pic of you when we went to the SIA family day on Sunday. It was such a once in a lifetime experience when you and Kor got to dress up as junior cabin crew and learnt how to serve mummy in a plane... Mummy is so impressed by the attitudes of the cabin crew training the children. You were really sporting and independent... despite the fact that you told me you were very very shy after that, you changed into the uniform and was enthusiastic... only that you didn't want to put the make up. :)

Serving with a good attitude.. hehe..

A nice pic with daddy!!

I like the way you poisitioned your legs.. hahah..

A family photo together!

So proud of both of you!!

Before the cabin crew experience...

Hm Mummy has to do this for your upcoming dance recital!

We also went for a dumpling festival over the weekend.. this was a pic at the CC.. you insisted on me taking a photo of you with Courtesy Lion..

And like all fairs, we need to have our share of ice cream and pop corn right?

This was at the touch aquarium which Kor was really fascinated by.. and soon you were too.. touching a "chocolate chip starfish: :) Though it was raining, it didn't dampen our spirits though Mummy was more anxious to get home, I had to admit. But I can't bear to spoil the fun for both of you. Sacrifice, sacrifice.. haha!!

This was at MYC, your third lesson here.. you love the music lessons!!!

When learning note F, you would pretend to be fireman Fred, I like how the lessons are presented and learnt.. in a fun way through story telling. Hope you will continue to enjoy the rest of the lessons!

Letter to Immanuel #122 Junior Cabin Crew Day and Attending the Dumpling Festival

Tuesday, May 23, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

We went to SIA Family Day on Sat and you dressed up as a cabin crew.... you looked soooo handsome! Hahaha.. in the beginning you were a bit of "pour cold water" attitude.. jus whining and refuse to join in after we have joined the queue. Maybe you were a bit tired or you just wanted the phone (hrumph!) but it was really irritating... Daddy and I gave uo and just focused on changing Ko.. then suddenly, you wanted to change. We sprang into action at once and you were the last to change.. haha.. but still.. overall it was such a great experience!

Mummy pretended to be one of the passengers and both of you had to serve me.

Both of you were great! Passed with flying colours... :)

An Awkward smile... is so funny... hehehehe

I am so proud of my cabin crew!

A family shot together...

Here is your pass! I really applaud the efforts of the cabin crew to make this experience so real..

Then on Sunday, we went to an event to celebrate the dumpling festival.  A pity that it was raining.. and we had to carry umbrellas but we still got to enjoy the ice cream and little perks... which was what it was all abt right? Mummy has learnt to enjoy the little moments no matter how inconvenient things can be or how the weather changes..

Looking at the man doing calligraphy...

And we actually spent a long time at the touch aquarium... the man said that it was a chocolate chip starfish... hehe.. you also asked many questions abt whether the creatures will bite etc.. you are just such an inquisitive boy who loves creatures, want to touch insects etc. And which is why you also love science soooo much. I hope you will continue to stay inquisitive as that's how we learn....

And something ridiculous you and Ko did... the night before, Ko pretended to be a mermaid by putting her legs into the pillow and the next thing I know, both of you are walking around like mermaids...... :D The things both of you do are jus soooooo funny and I don't know whether to laugh or cry sometimes. :) But Imm, Mummy sure loves your imagination and creativity.. every other day, you will sure do something that will make me amazed.... :)

Letter to Reiko #121 Mother's Day Celebration

Sunday, May 21, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Mummy had a great time celebrating Mother's Day in school with you! :) You were so happy to see me and after having some snacks, you massaged me on my shoulders so well!

Later you also did the hand spa with Imm... :)

Thank you Ko, Mummy felt like a queen that day!!

Some little gestures from your teachers... done together with the children.

This pic taken exactly on Mother's Day itself... just a pic at home after we had our cake!

This was the cake that Mummy got... lychee flavoured from Jack's Place.. to celebrate for all the mothers!

The rose that you did in school for me. You are so funny, you are so proud of it and would keep coming to me and say, Happy Mother's Day Mummy, I love you... and you would always come to me as though it is the first time you have given it to me... hahaha...

It is beautiful. Thank you Ko!

On Sunday, we also went to watch "Coraline" play. Mummy was a bit apprehensive cos I wondered if it will be too freaky for you, I tried preparing both you and Kor, saying it would be a bit eerie and you all can close your eyes if you are scared... luckily both of you really enjoyed it and didn't think it was scary at all. I guess the fact that it was a play made me very light and funny. This is the first time Mummy brought just both of you to a play. We will continue to be artsy and enjoy performances together...

Letter to Immanuel #121 Mother's Day and Audrey's Birthday Party

Sunday, May 21, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

Last week, we celebrated Mother's Day! What a nice bight smile you have in this picture :) Mummy loves seeing you so happy.. probably you were in your comfort zone as well, cos you love school and your friends! Your school had a spa session for mummies so I signed up to be pampered:)

Nice gestures.

Sandwiches lovingly cut out by K1 and K2...

Hand Spa session! Thank you Imm for serving me and your loving actions have made me very touched. Mummy had a fun time and also talked to your friends' mummies... It is a gd bonding session for me as well. 

And that week, we also went to celebrate Audrey's birthday at Mac! Audrey is one of your good friends.. in fact, all the boys and girls are really close to each other in your class. Mummy saw that you were having so much fun :)

This is Emmanuel Choon, you have been telling me abt him... he joined late last yr and you were telling me that there is another Emmanuel whose name starts with "E" and you all started to call each other by name and surname.. hahah.. you just love playing with him!


This is another one of your favourite friends Ashton.

Happy Birthday Audrey!! :) She loves snow white so we got a princess bag and a Japanese edition of Snow White book for her. Japanese edition in the sense that it was illustrated with a Japanese theme.. something different!

You kept asking if Emmanuel could come to our place and Mummy invited him over on Sunday... :) The house seemed so small with 2 boys running all over the place...

We also celebrated Mother's Day with a small cake! 4 mummies... Emmanuel's Mummy, Popo, Auntie Yantin and mummy!

Imm, Mummy saw how much you enjoyed yourself and I was so happy... in fact one of my prayers constatly is that you will develop true lasting friendships with people whom you can grow together with. I hope you will always find joy in relationships with people and you will have people who will have a positive influence on you.