Letter to Immanuel #120 Sengkang Riverside Park and Our Water Play

Thursday, May 11, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

You looked so happy here! We went to the Sengkang Riverside Park over the weekend and it was such an adventure. We were trying to find an area to put our mat and at times we found masses of red ants! Gosh, actually Mummy has a phobia of red ants, because when I was young, some adult let me pee near some drain and some red ants bite my butt.. I had to go to a doctor cos there was some infection. gee... anyway you were praying "God! Can you turn the red ants into black ants so they wouldn't bite us??!"

You really love scooting away and would be excited to find slopes.

OR sometimes you and Ko would be busy slotting grass into the drains. :) Actually the grass was used to push the ants inside the drains. Somehow you are a boy very fascinated by insects and you influenced Ko... 

With much difficulty, we found a relatively clean patch with no red ants. But there was this kinda furry worm which according to Auntie Yantin, would make your skin very itchy... it was crawling on the pink bag.. Auntie Yantin removed it and we saw another one hanging from the tree! She removed it as well. But you were pretty scared after that and said you don't want the furry caterpillars. It was quite an adventure... hehe....

Helping Ko to balance cos she keeps scooting to the left somehow...

Oh! Do you see what is inside this picture?? Mummy often see almost like a sea of frogs whenever we go to Berries in the evening... some of them are actually quite big!!!

Finished drawing your kite picture last weekend too!! Yay!! Coindentally we went kite - seeing over the weekend at the Sengkang park as well.

Pretend play together during the Vesak holiday.:) Nice, Mummy can always trust you to come up with ideas to entertain ko.... ahhaha..

And water play after that! The water play area was not opened cos it was still raining so we just played at the area outside.. Mummy was ssoo hoping that both of you would not catch a cold...

And cos you didn't had your dose of fun, the fun continued at home....

Some weekend activities! Sand art.. something you hadn't do for a long time....

And also making your friend's birthday card... since you were attending her Macdonald party on Sat... Mummy gave you stencils so you can choose what to draw...

Mummy loves your patience!! Imm, Mummy hopes you continue being sincere in treating others and keep thinking of others. Mummy is soooo proud of you!!

Oh yes! We also had dinner together at Dian Xiao Er during one of the weekdays! You kept saying "wow! It is like Chinese New Year". We seldom eat like this actually on normal days.... :) Cheers to more family time!