Letter to Immanuel #163 Our Family Nature Adventures

Saturday, March 31, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

2 weekends ago, we went with your godbro Alex to some Longkang fishing!! It was our second time doing this and you really loved it. You got to be pretty fast with it too.. :) During the first time, the fishes died pretty quickly but since we had company it was nice to spend some time waddling in the water again.. good weather too!

A pic with our loot!

I think you were tired that day already.. after an outing of fun.. haha

Oh yes that week Mummy also took off and we went to trek at Sungei Buloh... love the nature there!

We also climbed up this dome like structure to have a better view of things.

And it was funny how you and Ko went to pick the branches and compared whose was longer.. everything also can compare and fight with.. haa

But at the end of the day, also could be very loving!

That very same day, we also went to Sentosa as there was a funfest there... free entry!! Whilst queuing to go in to a waterplay area, the guy went around to do tattoos for the children... I was thinking that it was such a good idea.. occupy and distract the children.:)

You collected a bucket of sand and went to collect water numerous times to put into the bucket as we did not allow you to bring the sand in. You always had such funny ideas.. hehe..

The following weekend, we went to Labrador Nature Reserve. These 2 weeks were indeed filled with lots of nature! :) Mummy just wants all of us to be super duper healthy!

After walking for quite a bit, we settled down for a picnic! Yumz!

We walked by many nice houses... is also a nice and serene place with yachts... Mummy was reminded of Cape Town where we had a nice water area in front of the housing area. We really missed Cape Town right?

After the long walk to Vivo, we settled for nice lunch at Yoshinoya!

Recently, you shared with Mummy a pic you did in school.. 5 loaves and 2 fish and told Mummy abt the story. It was nice seeing you grow in faith and you would tell me how much you loved God :) School has been doing a lot of good work in you! Since it was nearing Easter, you would also tell me about the disciple that betrays Jesus and lots of other stories.. :)

Imm, in this entry is more about perseverance as we trek along the paths. Mummy and daddy will ask you to jiayou each time you feel tired. This is what family is about right? Cheering each other on when the going gets tough. Mummy hopes to be strong enough each time to give you encouragement as we journey on in life too. Cliche as it may sound but how real.. when the going gets tough, the tough gets going!