Letter to Reiko #133 Daddy is back!

Saturday, August 05, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko,

Daddy is back!!! But we have not managed to take any photos with him yet! We just took the time to rest and enjoy each other's company, talked.. and played with the toys that Daddy brought back.. hehe! You really enjoyed the creative building of the small little triangles.. this is something much more common for you and Imm.. somehow, Mummy is always trying to crack the brain for you, thinking of what you like.. I only know you love soft toys.... and girly things like hairbands and clips... :)

And Origami!!

And Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Daddy is finally back!! We didn't take any pics cos we were busy adjusting and cos Daddy sure had an exhausting week clearing his work.. in this post, I put in some pics of the farewell party he had... in a way, Daddy really could not bear to leave his company SIA but we are also happy that he is back with us right? ("right?" is the word you and Kor would always use now, hehe)

We love Daddy so much........... RIGHT?? :) now no more crying.. unless he goes to ma-ma house.. oh yes, our next transition would be to have our new place beside popo place:)