Letter to Reiko #163 Our Family Nature Times

Saturday, March 31, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

We went longkang fishing again, this time with Alex, Clara and Anthony. You had a lot of fun playing with Clara jie.

And you were so happy about the fish that you were very excited in feeding them.

We went to Sungei Buloh a couple of weeks ago. Mummy had been wanting to go there to trek along... 

Such a serene sight right? Really loved it. :)

You and Kor were fighting about whose branch was longer.. haa

But the next moment can be extremely loving to each other!

We also went to Sentosa after that. It was a nice hot day! You and Kor had lotsa fun playing and digging in the sand before you eventually went to the foam party. Mummy didn't take much of the foam photos of you though cos it was just too wet.

Enjoying having a fun tattoo!

We also went to Labrador Nature Reserve during the next weekend.

After walking for quite a bit, we settled to have our picnic!

And also blew bubbles! It was just nice and quiet time together. :)

You and your funny pose!

How nice to see this sight everyday for the people who live here right? Reminds me of our Cape Town... That said, I don't hear you saying you want to go to Cape Town anymore... hee.. well but indeed those are the memories that will definitely last Mummy for a lifetime!

We settled for a nice and fulfilling lunch after our super long walk!

Some other random pictures. You at music class!

And brushing your own ballet shoes!

Mummy hope you have lots of fun growing up ya.. You are growing more fiesty but also more loving and independent.. sometimes you are at the stage in which you said you are a big girl but at other times, still the "youngest in the family" - so you don't know how to do many things yet. Mummy is often amused by the things you say... :)