Letter to Immanuel #43 Better days In Store?

Tuesday, October 13, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

Today was a good day. Why did I say that? Because more often than not, we wake up to your whinings and then wanting Mummy to sit beside you as you drink your milk. And I always feel like my hair is turning gray whenever I wait for you. Sometimes, Mummy will call you slowcoach. :P "Faster faster!" is our pet phases of Daddy and Mummy. We try to slow down for your sake but it is still taking a lot out of us. Hehe. Anyway, you were great today. No whinings, no screaming for Mummy and no clinging onto Mummy when we brought you to school. Hope there are more and more of such days.

You loved to do painting activities so when Daddy was away for dinner one time, I just took out a blank paper for you and Ko to mix colours. You have always liked that since 2 years old.

What we learnt this week : before, after and in between numbers as well as the chinese words of sit and stand. For this, we played musical chairs with Ko and Aiden.

We also had a picnic at Sunset Beach!

Anyway this week, Mummy was telling you before bedtime that if you were scared, tell Jesus. In the night when you wake, I petted you twice back to sleep. In the morning, you asked me, "why you never tell me to tell Jesus I am scared? Then I will not be scared." :)