Letter to Immanuel #164 Bubble Dreams, Safra Fun

Saturday, April 14, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

We really made good use of our indoor playground card! haha.. you requested to go to the Jurong safra one again to have the really long slide! Actually I thought you were bored of indoor playgrounds but somehow you and Ko suddenly have a renewed interest and started playing so enthusiastically again!

After that, we went to have a good dinner!

Other times were spent indoors.. nowadays you are into chess and Daddy has downloaded the game for you! You do win during the first few levels but I can sense you are getting frustrated when you cannot understand at the higher levels.. Daddy and Mummy are thinking of letting you try to attend lessons during the June Hols. :)

And at other times, we play bubbles! we tried out this experiment box in which we could make our own bubbles.. frankly speaking it was really kind of fun.. I knew bubbles were easy but did not exactly find the recipe... now was the time to try!

We can make bubbles as big as these!

And where did we go on another weekend again? Toa Payoh Safra! :)

Nowadays, it is definitely much more fun as both of you are much more independent and can play on your own... whew! :) We shall have more fun outdoors in the next entry!