Teaching God Sees the Heart - The Widow Mite's Story

Saturday, July 25, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

I love short stories. Parables can say so much with a few words like how a picture might speak a thousand words. And today, I wanted to convey this story as I loved it when I was a little girl. Since my goal was to input a faith story every week for this "term", I tried looking for materials to share this story in a kids friendly way but there was very little to source upon. Thus, I tried racking my brains to bring the story to their level.

This was what I gathered and did:

1) Wrap up a happy meal box (yay, apt for my theme - a happy giver) and made two slits. One big and one small.

2) Summarised the story from the one found online.

3) Prepared some chocolate coins, which was the dangerous part because it might distract them from my main motive. One bag with big coins and one purse with 2 small coins.

4) Pictures of what they like, eg bears, ninja turtles etc.

This was what I did:

1) Read the story to Imm one time and let him arrange it after that.

2) Then we decorated the donation box with stickers. I had to insert an art and craft part, knowing it will be fun for them. Imm kept asking me, "what is it for, mummy?" "why must we decorate?" I told him it was a donation box for God.

Imm would peel the stickers for Ko and I would go in my heart, "oh so sweet" again.. :)

The finished product!!

3) Then I let Mickey Mouse be the rich man who donated a lot of his big coins and Duck was the poor widow who donated its only two small coins. Then I told them that for Mickey, he donated only  some of his money but Duck donated all the coins it had, thus, it had no more money left. To which, Ko cuddled the duck and said, "it is ok" and made a sad face.

4) Later on, they are supposed to put in pics of the things they like after I asked them if they are able to give up their favorite things if they have to. They did not answer that ( I wonder why) but just inserted the pictures. 

Learning points: 
1) God loves a cheerful giver! God sees the heart.
2) Story arrangement and understanding of story for Imm.
3) Finger training through pasting stickers and inserting of coins.
4) Big coins go into big slots and small coins go into small slots.
5) I got to see how sweet Ko is.