Letter to Reiko #166 Our Outing to Gardens By the Bay

Saturday, April 28, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!!

Yay!! Another outing! This time to see the Sakura!

We saw many lovely plants and cactus. When we reach the Sakura area, the place was intricately designed. I asked you to pose for pictures and you simply amused me with your poses. In the beginning, you pulled your dress so high up.. oops! haha... I know how you wanted to curtsey nicely like a ballerina!

And having you and Imm monkeying around with this too.. it is really funny both of you just leaned on it and looked like you have no necks.. or swimming above the costume :P

A family pic together. But we didn't get as much a view we wanted. Thats the issue of having someone taking photo for us.. hmm..

Happy faces! maybe Imm.. shy face?

Now we all look happy!

I am really tickled by your angry look here!

I hope you enjoyed urself ko, cos I certainly did!! These days, you really talk non stop... but one issue we had with you is your sleeping! One day you would sleep with popo, 1 day with mummy and 1 day in your room. You are just so scared to be sleeping in the room yourself... Sometimes making mummy irritated cos you would wake me up when I am just about to fall asleep. hmm, I hope we can all settle in your own room soon!