Letter to Immanuel #67 Trial at Haroobee and Happy Willow at One North

Sunday, May 01, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

Last week's memorable pic was of you eating wonton mee.... That reminds me... you CONSTANTLY would ask me "is my mouth dirty" when you are eating these days. Last year, you only asked me on the way to school. I was a little surprised as I wondered if you have suddenly become socially conscious that time. Now you ask me many times during a meal... hmmm..... We had this after your trial class at Haroobee at One North.

And this was what you drew there! Hehe... yay everyone could tell it was Bumblebee... luckily you brought your toy along so you could see... Initially, you cried and whined again! I couldn't believed it cos you could attend class by yourself at Berries.. so Mummy thought I need not prepare you so much this time. ALAS! It took some time to convince you to settle down while I said I had to go to the toilet. I came back 1 hr plus later and tada! After the class, you told me that you were shy... Shy also dun need to cry and whine so much right??

Mummy promised that you could go to Happy Willow after class so you were really happy. You made friends easily at play area and was occupied for more than 2 hrs. Mummy even went shopping for a while outside at Cold Storage.

Tired already? Haha...

Some activities at home: This was a really fun threading game.

You had to follow the diagram, choose the colour of the pegs, arrange them, choose the colour of the string and thread through it.

You and Ko before going to bed!

Water, equipment and funnel game. Your favourite kind of game. You would request for it.

 Playing with chops and getting both your fingers full of ink!