Letter to Immanuel #58 Saying Goodbye to Cape Town

Monday, February 22, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

We had to say goodbye to Cape Town, much to our reluctance. And I am sure you missed your friend Alex very much especially when you started in your new school today. Actually, I thought that you weren't very affected by goodbyes as we had changed schools before in Cape Town. Mummy kept telling you that you are not going to see Alex again and you would say, "ok, I know already Mummy." But Mummy felt a bit sad when you didn't like your new school today and said you missed Alex. I guessed Mummy is the more easily affected one. You told me that when you talked to the kids, they did not talk to you and you didn't like the food in school. You also didn't understand what the teacher said. When Mummy accompanied you for a while, the teacher was reciting "di zi gui" and singing with the friends.. everything must have felt so alien to you then, knowing how "English" you are, despite Mummy's best efforts to inculcate Chinese into you.

Some pictures of your old school...

On the last day before we left, Mummy and Auntie Dap brought you, Ko and Aiden to the arcade to take our picture and let you all enjoy yourselves.... I realised you are not so into moving vehicles now; those that you sit on and they move when you put in coins. Instead, you want to drive cars (even when your feet could not reach the accelerator) and motorbikes. At one instant, Mummy had to help you to press on the accelerator while you drive....

Enjoying our Marcel yoghurt! You as usual asked for chocolate and Ko asked for strawberry.... Aiden had vanilla...

Our purpose at the arcade was to have a R20 pic of a drawn portrait. I wished I could tell you that I had drawn it myself. :P

On the way back to Singapore! You loved the ostrich patty in the bread that Auntie Dap prepared earlier. It was such a busy week packing for us and Daddy was super bz doing his handover. We could finally take a break on the plane. 

Mummy tried to prepare a cosy environment for us to sleep in...

You with Daddy's old toy! Ma-ma is so good at keeping things.. hehe

Playing some playdoh with Ko after school today!

My dear boy, Mummy was sharing with you that we all had to go through changes and some might be changes we don't like... like I didn't like the change from Primary school to Secondary school.. but we have to believe that we are adaptable and Mummy, Daddy and Ko will always be with you, helping you to grow and adjust. I also told you that I will stay with you for a longer time, like 20 mins the next day... I hope you will find your footing and your best friend again. :)