Letter to Reiko #184 Happy 7th Birthday to Imm!

Sunday, August 26, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Last week, we celebrated Imm's birthday and also daddy's birthday! Auntie Qin and Uncle YY brought a cake over and we celebrated together!

It was nice seeing the 3 kiddies together!

Yay! Imm's party! You were a really good sport, joining in all the fun. When Imm's friends first came, you would pick up the nerf gun bullets and pass it to them. You had lots of fun too!

you enjoyed your egg mayo sandwich in the sandwich making session. :)

Getting ready to sing the birthday song, what a happy face! :)

Uncle Ajie, Auntie Peishan and Bb Seraphina also came to visit!

opening the present with Imm after that... You just love to open it up, no matter who is it for...

Thank you Ko for joining in the fun together and being your happy bubbly self.  Love your smiles in all the photos... We all enjoyed ourselves right? :)

Letter to Immanuel #184 Happy 7th Birthday Imm!

Sunday, August 26, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

In this post, we celebrated your 7th birthday! It was one of a kind for Daddy and Mummy, which is not surprising since you are the older kid... we have a lot of new experiences and also experimenting a lot! Like using our fridge to be a whiteboard... If you can remember in future, it is a pacman theme! Which is why we printed our some pics... Mummy did up a plan too - Daddy planned a sandwich making, Mummy planned shrinky dink and ice melting game...

Some preparations needed.. like having mini gifts for your friends..

Preparing numbers to freeze in ice cubes.. nobody got the number 7.. you got it! So I passed it to Ko...

Oh yes! Before that Godma and Godpa popped by to celebrate Daddy's birthday together, which is just 10 days before yours!

Hm, what are you thinking of? :)

Eli, trying to remove the chocolate and eat it...

See his happy face when he managed to do so?

Ok yes back to your party! Your friends started coming one by one and in the beginning, you all just played pokemon cards. They were Trevor, Leighton and Matthew Ed.

You also wanted to invite your K2 friends - Jarius, Emmanuel Choon, Ashton and Audrey. Your party is kickstarted by Daddy - the master sandwich maker.... It was pretty chaotic but Daddy got it right under control!

Soon, most of them were focusing on doing up a sandwich face...

Leighton's one looks really cute!!

Trevor's too!

Next is Shrinky Dink time! Leighton is deep in focus drawing his pacman.

Matthew looks happy too!

Tata! After baking the shrinky dinks :) Some mini souvenirs to take home...

Having the chaotic bunch together!

Ashton was a bit emo and I found out from his mum later that he does not like loud noises... but he will come out to take a pic with you, his BFF.

Happy Birthday Imm! This is Pacman jumping out of the cake!

When everyone has left, it is opening presents time! Daddy and Mummy are very zek ark, ask you to open one a day.. delayed gratifiction! :)

Imm, Mummy is happy seeing you grow into a loving and understanding boy. We are so blessed to have you and wish to fill you with lotsa happy memories. You loved people so this party is planned in love for you and may you still remember it in many years to come...

Letter to Reiko #183 Celebrating birthdays at Marche and Church times

Sunday, August 26, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

We went to visit Sengkang Hospital Open House and had a good time at the bouncing castle! It was just simple, we could borrow books but one thing that was scary was that you suddenly had nosebleed! You said that luckily you were at the hospital, haha.. witnessed the staff being very friendly and helped us too. It was a once off incident.. hm, weird that you would suddenly have serious nose bleed. Mummy was actually pretty shocked..

See you big smiley face. you loved the sanitizer bottle, goodness knows why!

We also went to Marche to celebrate Imm and Daddy's birthday but think you are the most happy one!

Mummy asked you to pray for Mother Mary to intercede for us. You said loudly, "I want a baby!". luckily there was not many people around.. hehe...

Making funny faces while eating fishballs..

We had a good time right Ko? Happy to see you being so happy and smiley everyday. Mummy is trying to instil more discipline in you though... esp since you are getting older and need to be more strict with you as you can feel very self entitled. Just remember we love you and want the best for you ok? :)

Letter to Immanuel #183 Celebrating bdays at Marche, Climbing Experiences and Visit to SKGH

Sunday, August 26, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

On one of the Sats, we did not have anything much, so we went to the opening ceremony of Sengkang General Hospital. It was simple fun.. we collected like free goodies.. sanitizers and pill boxes. Something simple can also make us happy, esp so for Ko who likes the sanitizer bottle.. hm!

There was also the bouncing castle which made the trip worth it!

We went to Marche again for dinner.. cos they give out birthday cakes! Wootz! Celebrated ur bday and Daddy's. You were unhappy cos Daddy scolded you but I cannot remember for whatever reason already... must be because you are not eating well again.. sigh! Still, you behaved your usual self when you were playing at the playground there.. children just reveal their true selves at the playground.

A pic of Daddy when Mummy celebrated with him at Shin Minori, a Japanese restaurant...

One of the Sundays when Ko went to ballet, we went to AMK library 33rd birthday. You loved doing the origami.. it was so much fun. :)

And we also went to Playfit at Orchid Country Club again. You are so into climbing since you went climbing with Emmanuel Choon. Mummy felt grateful when she brought you out for climbing when Mummy needed to do my assignment. You had a good time and Mummy could do my work. Best of both worlds!

We have been falling in love with many physical activities these days. Esp you, soccer, climbing and you also showed an interest in roller blades. Gosh. We are going to need to much more energy to catch up now! :) Let's be a healthy family together!

Letter to Imm #182 Meeting up with Godpa and Godma and babies!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

Such a lovely pic of you all playing in the sand together. Nowadays, you simply love playing with Eli! :)

We went for dinner at Fusion Spoon. It was a really nice experience and we wanted to stay longer.. just that we have swimming.. Godpa kept cursing us saying it was going to rain.. argh.. finally we teared ourselves away from fun times and went for our lesson, hehe...

And it was also all about babies.... first we met up with Godpa and Godma...

And realised you were crazy about babies. when you didn't get to carry Sarah, you squatted near the table and sulked. Mummy had to find some way to let you carry Sarah...

And we also went to Uncle Ajie's place recently... you carried Baby Seraphina and was soooo loving towards him.... you were also telling me you want a baby.. more than once. And I would tell you, it is not up to me but God. We never know what the future holds, and as much as Daddy and Mummy want more siblings for you, we are also contented knowing that we have you and Ko already... :)