Help for Baby Yujia

Thursday, October 29, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Recently, a few friends shared regarding Baby Yujia. I shared the video here with Imm the night before. We watched the video together and I couldn't help tearing. Who could bear to watch a baby suffer? Imm was very sad too. I told him how fortunate he is to be able to do things that Yujia cannot and not to take things for granted. Every day, we should thank God for our blessings and be a blessing to others. Later, Ko also watched the video. She is the more emotional one and even though she might not fully understand, she would have a very sad face and say things like "poor baby."

I saw that the media has also covered the story on Joytruck, which allows more people to understand about the situation and provide a helping hand. I enjoyed watching the show when I was in Singapore because it made me realise that there is so much strength in human nature. And how much love we can give. Maybe that is why I enjoyed Social Work; seeing the resilience of human spirit made me appreciate life and want to live it to the fullest. Often, it is the clients who taught me much more than how I helped them.

In this post, I hoped I would be able to reach out to more people to help in whatever way they could for Baby Yujia. In numbers, we can help financially, psychologically, whether it is dropping an email or a word of encouragement to the family and in prayers, we can create miracles.

There is a community on fb as well: