Letter to Reiko #182 Beaches and Sand

Wednesday, August 15, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!

This was the butterfly you coloured for Teacher Alice... she is your music teacher and came down with a stroke a few weeks ago.. hopefully she is recovering well with your gd wishes and prayers :)

It is the week before National Day and the weekend itself. You were really excited singing National day songs and also using playdoh to make a flag. You started singing happy birthday songs to Singapore too.

More fun with Eli at the beach. And making a birthday cake again! It is so creative, simple and nice :)

You also drew the heart shapes in.. you are such a girly girl, loving flowers, hearts, pink and everything sweet in terms of taste and looks. hehe.

We then went for a meal at Fusion Spoon cos Daddy had vouchers (as usual). The food was nice! But... you spilled a drink again and Daddy did not allow you to have any more drinks after that.. that explains your sulky face..

You still love the swing! You had loved it for as long as Mummy can remember. Mummy has a phobia though, cos you fell once from the swing that is like that and the swing knocked your head too.. gosh..

We also met up with Godma and Godpa! we went to Saizeriya... Godpa cannot believe that the pasta is so cheap there.. hehe...

Now Sophie is big enough to play with you together! :) Look at both of you posing!

On National day morning, we went for a jog with Eli and his parents. We then went to eat near East Coast. It was nice, cosy and simple.

Lots of time was spent with friends this week! Hope Ko will also remember these times and carve time out to spend time with the beloved people in our lives in future. :)