Letter to Immanuel, Reiko and Ariel #231 #13 Birthdays, beaches, saga hunting

Tuesday, March 31, 2020 0 Comments A+ a-

Hey kiddos!! 

Here is our update for Feb month... we enjoyed ourselves stuffing with DIG, our favourite place for meals. Everyone can have their foodie fix here... imm will eat his chicken and rice, ko can eat his paste, daddy his fish and chips/burger and mummy my ebi with rice... hehe... and Daddy can use his vouchers to get it cheaply too.. woohoo!!

We went to the DIG at amk lib to celebrate Eli's bday!

Eli is 5 already!

 Oo and Ariel turned 9 months old too!

Ariel is able to pull to stand now and was very pleased with herself.. hehe...

Our favourite haunts included the beach.. open air... this time we are having the corona virus which had really impacted our lives...

We have always enjoyed open air family fun at beaches where everyone can just chill and enjoy the beach breeze..

Once, we also went with Auntie Rina/Godma and family!

Clara looks like she is advertising for a drink..

Ohh... and we found  perfect place to go saga seed hunting at Serangoon Garden.. there was a1000 in here!! People actually sell saga seeds online..

We also made new friends, it was Daddy's old schoolmates from NUS.. and the kids are almost the same age as imm and ko :)

We also celebrated Auntie Meijing's bday at their place... she prepared an awesome dinner for all of us... we all asked for 2nd and 3rd helpings.. yumz!!