Letter to Immanuel #123 Attending Ko's Ballet Recital and Pancake Baking Session

Sunday, June 04, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

Mummy was anxious and it had been at the back of my mind to actually cook/bake with you just like how we did at Cape Town. It became the time when everything needs to be planned and time must be carefully used. Anyway today, we just did something simple: cooking pancakes. I even used the premix from Muji which I bought from Japan. So all we had to do was add in milk and egg. But I guess the impt skill I wanted you to try was to flip the pancakes! That is actually not so easy because it has to be kind of dry first or the liquid will just smear. You had difficulty a few times and then got better!

Enjoying the product of the "hard work"

But before that, when Mummy asked you to pour the milk, you spilled a little. Oops. I guess this is one of the nitty gritty things that Mummy struggles with : want you to learn independence but get slightly angry when things are not up to perfection. Hehe.

Stirring the batter with Ko.


Yay! Many many chocolate chip pancakes!!!

Imm, you are always so fascinated by insects. Mummy also loves to get caterpillars so you and Ko can see the transformation. I always think the process is so incredible!

Did I also tell you that these days, you loved reading to Ko? You would be so much more patient than mummy.. haha... I realised that u r really a steady kinda boy. Although mummy can be impatient and want to do everything fast fast, you never get unfazed and would want to do things properly and also "slowly":) Certainly not my trait... hehe..... next time you could definitely keep mummy in check!

Last week, we also went to support ko for her first ballet recital! You were happy to see her and started waving to her. We were at the 3rd row.. She suddenly saw you and waved happily at you! This made the audience laughed... :) Mummy hopes both of you continue to support each other in whatever performances/little events ok?