Letter to Immanuel, Reiko and Ariel #244 #25 Korean BBQ with Jenny and family, staycation at Pan Pac

Wednesday, May 19, 2021 0 Comments A+ a-

 Hi Imm, Ko and Ri!

I think the highlight of March was our staycation but we also had a lot of fun memories! :) Ariel now loves drawing but will always ask for the iPad to draw.. then she will transit to play her songs.. always saying "I want song".. gee.

One of the meals out with Daddy!

And sometimes we will just go to the playground downstairs as you always want your swing swing.. or slide...

Here's more slides for you! we went to the indoor playground Polliwogs when we had our Pan Pac staycation. I think it was the first indoor playground for you... since you are a baby born in Covid times and everywhere was restricted to a number of people... still, you are able to experience more fun since you are older right? :)

Playing together with Ko too, Ko, you are awesome, always playing with Ariel and entertaining her, taking care of her.. :)

And now with Imm together! You also take good care of Ariel when we ask you to :) So proud of you both!

Our fabulous hotel room... toilet..

Ariel just loves eating the yoghurt. Luckily it was  free flow..

Mummmy especially loves the waffle.. looks so pretty!

Our first time at Genki Sushi in which the food comes to us on a train. All of us were happy to see the food on a bullet train to us. Imm, you love the beef bowl and had two bowls!

While Ko loves her tempura udon too..

Other than that, we would also make our way to AMK Bishan park and play at the playgrounds, eat Macdonalds.. simple weekend fun :)

Or eat Western food, in which the plates are bigger than our faces but still affordable..

Mummy also had my walk with Ko at Botanic Gardens..

So happy that though Ko tires easily, she will still come with me for walks and spend Ko-mi time together. But she will lie flat in the taxi immediately after boarding.. :D

we also had a Korean BBQ experience with Jerrell! Yay! It was nice grilled food. Auntie Jenny always prepares nice stuff for us.


Ariel also loves the dog Tiny and will keep stroking it... all in all, it was a fun March :)

All in all, We really enjoyed March, especially the hols. Though it was short... looking forward to the next one!

Letter to Immanuel, Reiko and Ariel #243 #24 CNY celebrations, Eli's Bday and More Steamboats

Sunday, May 09, 2021 0 Comments A+ a-

 Hi Imm, Ko and Ri!!

Feb was the family time month.. in which we celebrated CNY! But we still cannot have such big gatherings.. Nonetheless, we had many small gatherings. One of them was at Auntie Joan's place when Imm goes for his Chinese tuition. Mummy brought sand on one occasion and we (Auntie Joan and Mummy) indulged in our childhood and played! 

And we also had a couple of Mac meals with Darryl! :) 

So cuteee...

Another cute picture of Ariel though she was just sitting on the floor.... after she fell

Eating is a chore of fussiness these days when Ariel is picky! She still love her noodles though!

CNY gathering, grilling with mama!

Popo, waigong and gonggong..

wee, whole family now!

Sometimes Darryl comes to have steamboat and play too!

Yay, Ariel can do her shape sorters at 20 months old! Another milestone :)

We also invited Auntie Meiting, Uncle Justin and the children over for steamboat too... and "celebrated" V Day as Daddy gave them a present....

Ariel always likes people's food..

We also celebrated Eli's bday by bringing him to Hangar 66. It was fun watching the planes and it was a cosy place for lunch.

Look at his happy face..

we must be polite to courtesy lion..

we also shifted the bed to popo's house so we can have a bigger space... :) Likely to be Imm's room in future... we always say that our place is constantly in a state of renovation as we are always shifting furniture or installing appliances.. hehe... change is fun!

That's lots of memories being made in feb!