Letter to Immanuel #69 A Blessed Mother's Day

Tuesday, May 17, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

We had a good weekend on Mother's Day itself. It happened to be the day that Mummy was supposed to spend with you... on Sundays! I am blessed that I am able to spend the day with my boy. It was such a fantastic Mother's Day. You always behave so well when it is just the two of us. You will laugh, talk funny stuff and we would just laugh about the simplest things. We went for lunch at Paya Lebar Square and proceeded to Esplanade, stumbled upon the new play area and it was great! You love this wooden magnetic blocks called Tegu.

In this picture, You asked me to take the angry bird fishcake to send to Daddy to see...

When the play area had to be cleaned for half an hour, we went to the library. You tried looking for children's books but could not find any. Luckily, Mummy bought some books for you to read! I had to keep asking you to read softly as not to disturb others, haha.

After that you went for you art class at Haroobee and this was what you drew! You would tell me you really liked drawing. :) 

 Your school organised a dance session so the kids could dance with their mums but Mummy had to fetch you earlier that day as Ko had dance in the evening. There was an earlier session just for the kids so I saw you dancing for a while. Initially I thought you would stop dancing when you see me, just like last time but you carried on and danced away. My boy has grown up and changed. :)

A card during Berries for Mother's Day. Suppose to print our photo.. hehe.. Mummy hasn't been printing photos lately... but I will try ya...