Letter to Immanuel, Reiko and Ariel #247 #28 Our Sofitel Staycation, Mummy's Bday, Father's Day, Sch Hols Fun Times

Monday, July 26, 2021 0 Comments A+ a-

 Dear Imm, Ri and Ko,

Hey Ko! A random Ko Mi picture just because you always love such things :)

We had a chiffon baking session together.. you always like to do such things with Mummy but this seemed a bit too difficult and the mixer seemed too heavy for you. Nonetheless, it was still a fun bonding session!

Mummy taught you how to "play" with the eggs just like how Auntie Joan taught me. :) Instead of using the egg separator.

it came out really nice and fluffy.. you loved it!

Suddenly you or Imm remembered the dolls that Mummy bought for you to slide secret notes inside.... also it was written in Chinese to improve your chinese.

Mummy brought both Imm and Ko out during the school hols.. we went to Kino, bought books and have our favourite Tori Q lunch outside, since no dine in. It was a simple but nice experience :)

We also had a playdate at Auntie Meiting's house. She cooked a sumptuous meal for us again! :) Imm loves playing with Brandon..

While ko loves playing with Adrienne :) Auntie Meiting cooked beef stew for us! So sumptuous!

Ariel also loves exploring their place too!

David also came over once and we tried making some granola..

And towards the end of the month, we also celebrated Mummy's birthday! Auntie Vika guided you all to help in making to totoro cupcakes.. Mummy loves it! And all of you love it too.. see the happy concentrated faces!

We also had one stayover, in which Kate and Tyler came over... we had prata and pancakes for breakkie.. had loads of fun!

Another celebration was Domestic worker's day in which we had a small celebration for Auntie Vika, thanking her for all she has done for us..

We have our very important highlight during the school hols... and that is our staycation at sofitel!!!

We could not dine out in more than 2s so most of the time we ate in the room.. it is a nice and cosy affair :)

we would enjoy nice walks to get our food and midway we would stop around to have some fun!

And we have this special mini tent that we took turns to sleep in and helped us to feel very safe :)

And of cos we had things we did when were are bored too..

we also celebrated Father's day with steamboat, together with Uncle Adrian and Auntie Joan.. in the night we had a cosy session talking with Daddy!

At the end of the month, we visited Auntie Meijing's new place, which is so big and pretty! She got a nice cake for Mummy and her house was a perfect backdrop for our family picture!

Ariel also had a lot of fun exploring the place.. And playing with Latte!

We enjoyed many blessings during this June hols, despite the pandemic, no matter how difficult times are, I am glad we could still have family time and also have time with our friends.No matter how things change, always remember that we have each other :)

Letter to Immanuel, Reiko and Ariel #246 #27 Celebrating Ariel's Birthday, Mother's Day and Having our Favourite Ramen

Monday, July 26, 2021 0 Comments A+ a-

 Hi Imm, Ko and Ri,

We have come to May, when all the birthday celebration begin! First we have our Mother's Day cake.. Mummy tried to do something like what Aunt Jenny did.. making a lychee yoghurt cheesecake.. was wondering how to do the wording... chocolate bits were indeed a little tough, but still, we figured it was for mother's day right? Most importantly Imm and Ko tried to cooperate to do the words and that is the best part :)

We managed to do the small feat for popo..yay! 

Daddy and Mummy went to grub to eat later on in the week. The pandan basque burnt cheesecake was awesome!

A flower from Ariel!

Over one of the weekends, we went to his ramen place called Suparakki at Yishun to eat, it is one of our favourite places and we really love the ramen there! They have the truffle flavour too!

Ko and Ariel loves the tempura!

We begin early birthday celebrations for Ariel.. small one since it was still the restricted visitations, mummy invited Auntie Qin and Auntie Sarah over for dinner and have a mini celebration.

On the actual day itself, Eli and Auntie qin came!

It was a cosy celebration :) and Ariel was very happy with her bb shark cake.. Ariel, can't believe you are two already and really chatter a lot, you will end your sentences with "yes?" - "baby take this yes?" "be careful yes?". You are so excited when you see "uncles" cutting grass or washing floors. You love birds and aeroplanes.. it is so amazing to see you grow and get excited in your little ways :) Please continue to grow up well and healthy. All of us love you very very much!!!

Godma Rina also sent over a rich chocolate cake from Pan Pacific.. it was sooo decadent! :) And ri is such a chocolate fan!!

Mummy got some mini presents to give to the classmates... so everyone could have some fun!

Times when we couldn't go out much during lockdown, we just kept ourselves occupied, like Imm making his rubix cube, dismantling everything and fixing it back again,

And We also had a lettering session with Mummy's colleague, Auntie Rebecca, it was really fun!

Another of Imm pictures when we went to Yishun...

A picture of Mummy and the kiddos during mother's day!