Letter to Immanuel, Reiko and Ariel July 23 #272 #54 Ko's 10th Birthday, Luke's baptism, Imm's Akela

Monday, October 30, 2023 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Kiddos!!

July - and that brings us to Ko's birthday!! Wee! Mummy was not sure how to decorate, now that you kiddos are older... Auntie Vika did most of the birthday celebrations last year, so Mummy needed some effort to put on my creative juices, to be artsy and not so kiddy, now that Ko is 10! :)

Ko invited 3 of her friends, Joan, Celeste and Averie to the party, we had a nice meal together and played some games!

We got a new ktv set but unfortunately it wasn't working, still, we managed to sing songs off youtube!

Daddy got doughnuts from Doughnut Shack... yumz! and we dabao some food for dinner... it was nice chitchatting and spending time with the friends!

And we probably will not miss an outing to HDL for birthdays :) Esp when ko can get more fruits!

Managed to have a 1-1 outing with Ko in which she enjoyed her ice cream and we also did some shopping at Uniqlo :)

Imm also made us proud this month cos of his Akela award and doing well in HMT generally, so we got a Gen 11 Rubix cube for him. We went to Cubewerkz which is a shop that specialises in selling Rubiks, they even had oils for the cubes to turn it smoothly, *gasp*

Enjoying our meal at So gd Cha Chan Teng at i12 Katong, it had such an awesome view!

Yay!! Imm worked really hard for his Akela award! well done Imm!

He also took his Grade 5 music theory exam this month.

But we also got a major scare this month when he said he had severe pain in the stomach and had to be sent to the hospital, we thought that it was appendicitis and he had to do some operation. His PSLE oral was also coming up. Thankfully, it was not, probably some infection? Thank God he is ok! Ko missed Imm a lot!! she did a love pringles for him...

One of Imm's drawing that Mummy found was really nice! I suspect Imm can be an architect!

The 3 kiddos!

We went to Uncle Ajie's house and got to play with Sera and Augustine!

We also squeezed in an outing to the beach, we need out fill of Vit D even though we are a Fat family.. actually only 2 ppl are fat, hehehee

Bi busy writing in the sand...

We got a new game for Bi too... Tetris! One of Mummy's favourite games.

Received Ri's photo from school.. looks so pro nowadays! 

Also brought Ri to attend mummy's colleague wedding at an Anglican church. It was a really nice building. I think it was the first wedding that Ri attended too!

Our catties are still growing well at this time, 5 of them!

Last of all, we celebrated Bb Luke's baptism :D yay! another God brother in the family!

July is filled with awesome celebrations and family time! hope the kiddos will remember these memories in time to come!

Letter to Immanuel, Reiko and Ariel June 23 #271 #53 Bali Trip, Cycling Escapades

Friday, October 06, 2023 0 Comments A+ a-

 Hi Kiddos!

June was such an eventful month as we had our June holidays! We had our outings with friends and also went on a Bali trip with Auntie Vika and Jojo.. we had such a memorable time together :)

Let's start to recap our more normal days of the holidays.. we went to East Coast Beach to cycle and hang around to get more of the sun!

Ko was in the phrase of making lemon and orange juice for us, so almost every night for a few days, she would make this juice for us, full of Vit C, yumz!

Bi was also more interested in writing, on a dinner outing out to Soup Spoon, we were doing lots of serious writing together!

She also love the cute mascots and would pose with them. On a grocery spree to nex, we would also take pictures at her request.

June is also Father's Day so this year, we got a pillow that we can hug when Daddy comes back late from work, looks and feels like him though a smaller version. It looks like him right?

This year, we are also very proud of Ko, who accomplished a new skill... cycling!!! It had been really difficult teaching her on our own, and we don't go cycling often. Thanks to Auntie Becky, who introduced Oliver to us, he taught Damien too! so we could start on this journey. Maybe our FF goals (fit family) would materialise sooner.. though we are going the way of the fat family more.

Ko is into the black look these days.

Imm also got to have fun as he went out with his friends and played at Suntec city. He went with Gabriel and another friend, oops, Mummy can't remember the other friend's name! Imm is so lucky as his friends' parents will bring them out. remembered that they played a lot of Cow Play Cow Moo and redeemed tics!

A drawing done on the art app by Ko during our Bali trip. So pretty! Ko is creative in drawing and inventing toys :)

And here we are at Bali! we came here to meet Auntie Vika, who is here for her honey moon. We stayed at this big house which had our own barter and a pool. We requested for Indomee for breakfast and there was also nice watermelon juice!

We went to the Sacred Monkey Forest Santuary in Ubud and they were pretty scary as they would come right to you and snatch your things. The thing to do is to be fiercer to them and stomp your feet, go "ahhh!!" like what Daddy did when one money took mummy's bag.

Anotherg group of animals we visited were the elephants. However, we didn't do much there as the rides were really expensive. We took a lot of pictures. Mummy remembered that their trunks were so strong that I was afraid I would lose my balance whilst taking pictures if they were to knock me off my feet..

Next, we went to the butterfly park! Surprisingly, this was the most worth it because we took back some Atlas moth eggs and they were with us for many months after that! Bi and Ko also loved holding the butterflies on her hand :)

Our 2nd place that we stayed was at Hard Rock Cafe. It was really all inclusive. We had most of our meals there and there were games at the pool. This was the Beach near our Hard Rock Cafe. The weather was great.. it was not as hot as it was in Singapore and the scenery was awesome during evening times. We stayed there for hours! Mummy and Daddy could have our massages and drink beer by the beach.

Chilling by the beach.

Daddy, who never misses a chance to have a birthday cake! Mummy had my Hard Rock chocolate cake, which was thick chocolate!

We went to visit a more traitional place too, this was a Scene from the Uluwatu temple, it was really hot when we were touring round. We had to reach early so we could get a seat to view the firedance hence we visited at 4 plus when it was blazing hot.

Waiting for the firedance! This was when Mummy is amazed at Imm's creativity.

Last of all, one of our major highlights was having our seafood dinner at Jimbaran Bay, amazingly, imm loves the seafood!

We also had one of our meals at Jamie Oliver as Daddy got the vouchers. It was quite an experience too as we would never go there in Singapore. What's Mummy doing? am i sleeping?

What is this rock name? I remembered that it stayed with us for the last few days at Bali...

On the last day, We had some photos taken at the hotel itself.

Bye bye to our awesome hotel!

When we came back, we celebrated Mummy's Birthday. Love all the cards you drew!

Handcrafted sweets by tada! Guess who!

Last of all, we had our outing with the Mexican family kids. Mummy didn't go during this outing but looked like all of you had so much fun!

And this was the end of our June holidays! We had such a packed month! :D every hols, we would try to savour it as much as we can as we also need to spruce up for Imm's PSLE!