Letter to Immanuel, Reiko, Ariel, Ezekiel July 24 #284 #66 #1 Reiko's 11th Birthday, Ezekiel's Birth, National Day Celebration

Tuesday, October 29, 2024 0 Comments A+ a-

 Hi Kiddos!!

Welcoming a new member to the blog posts, baby!! No bi is no longer baby. Have to differentiate. Here is a photo with just 3 of you first..

July now has 2 highlights in the beginning and end of the month now. We celebrated Ko's bday on a few occasions, one of them was at Crab party where we could Ko's favourite Kang Kong and Har Cheong Kai while Imm could eat his favourite chilli crab.

Daddy and Mummy wrote a birthday card to ko and Yes! Daddy is the gd artist.

The best cake to give Ko is a fruit! (not a fruit cake). Daddy and Mummy tried reading up on how to tell if a watermelon was sweet from the outside. Not bad, it was quite accurate :). We put some fruits inside. I think it was Ko's kind of dream cake! Happy 11th Birthday Ko!!

Mummy also managed to spend 1-1 time at one of our favourite eating places - Yoshinoya.

We also celebrated Auntie Becky's Birthday at Orchard hotel. We surprised her by appearing behind the curtains from their hotel room! :D It was nice just having dinner together.

We are a family with small luck. Went to an NDP event and got 2nd prize, which was a portable vacuum cleaner! woohoo!! Though we did not know what to do with it in the end, it was one of those Simple joys. Daddy scrambled to get the wristband on Bi as the winner had to be there. It was Ko's wristband. Ko went earlier to mama's house and was not there.

Towards the end of the month, it is the arrival of our littlest baby brother. We had not confirmed the name then as he was known as Baby Wong. :D

In the swaddle that we used for all of you! All 4 of you looked so similar, heheee

Had a blessing for Ezekiel before discharging him. In the booklet, he was still Baby Wong. 

So nice to see all of you loving baby so much!

Welcome to our family Ezekiel! We all love you very much. May you have lots of nice memories with your kor and jies!!