Letter to Imm #79 Quality time with Godparents!

Thursday, July 28, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hii my dear Imm!

A pic of you with your godbrother Eli!! Godpa and Godma came back to Singapore at the same time as us.. it was  just so rare for us to meet! Your godbrother has grown so much now and is as cheeky as you before! :P

We had a good time at Esplanade PIPS together. It was a little chilly though cos it was a rainy day and you were a little sick.

Through the new binoculars!

When Mummy was away on cruise, I spent time with my two best friends, Your Godma and Auntie Sarah. Auntie Sarah is going to get married in Sep so we are spending time with her together for her sorta Hen's night.

We went to Malacca and this was at St Paul's ruins.

We went for art class. Mummy really likes Heart Studio because of the different techniques used to create a project. This theme is on dinosaurs.. I will put up the finish product next week!

Colouring with Ko together using the magic pens.

Making "shoes" for your school project. You told me that your friends asked you if it was slippery.

We also visited Uncle Kenneth and this was the only good pic I could get of you and Zach because you guys were moving around after that.

Imm, you fell really sick this week and mummy was so worried. You suddenly vomited a lot in the car seat on Sat. Your cough just took a turn for the worse, you had cough and fever for 2 days. It has been so long since you were seriously sick. The last time was almost 2 years ago in CPT and thats when Mummy started using lots of oils. The frequent oils and vitamin water has certainly been a great help... I did not even have any fever medicine nor thermometer as well. Mummy hopes you can just control yourself and not eat so many sweet stuff ok. Be healthy my boy so you can enjoy all the nice experiences in life. Health is wealth. :)

Letter to Reiko #79 When Mummy was away..

Thursday, July 28, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hiii my dear Ko!!

I just realised that I didn't have much pics of you this week, because Mummy was away for 3 days and Daddy took care of you and Imm. :) I guessed the only pic is of us just before our play "SHh.. Bang!" It is simply a pretty artsy play... something different for Mummy as well.. simply because it is made up of sounds... movement=sound. That's how I summarise it. But you kinda enjoyed it! Hehe... cos the sounds made you curious as to how they were created. The last part, the two actresses invited the children to go dance on stage, which you didn't want to.. as usual. I also remembered that day well because you were sick.:( But we still managed to go because you were a little better that day.

One of my dreams is to let you enjoy the arts and to have as much fun as possible. Another more important reason is just to spend as much time with my little girl. :) And to have new experiences together.

Well, let me share with you what Mummy did when I was away on cruise with my best friends! We went to Melaka. These were some of our sights there.

At St Paul's ruins.

Nice cosy beach! So these are Mummy good friends.. Auntie Sarah and Quntie Qin who is Imm's godma. We wanted to celebrate Auntie Sarah's hen's night as she is getting married in Sep. It was a nice recharging time for Mummy. Mummy has to be happy and psychologically well so I can be more creative to create more fun memories with both you and Kor.

We met ur godbrother Eli over the weekend but you were sleeping at this time. Mummy tried to let you sleep more so you could get well soon.

It was sad cos both you and Kor fell seriously ill over the 3 days when Mummy was away. Daddy couldn't enjoy as much as he wanted to with both of you. Cough, flu, fever, vomiting.. you name it, you had it. Sigh. Both Daddy and Mummy were so worried. I kept dosing you with lots of oils. You had not taken any medication for a long time and was so averse to it that I had to cane you so you would take it. After a couple of times, I need not syringe you anymore but you could drink by yourself from the small cup. Sorry dear, Mummy had no choice but to cane you so you could get well faster.

Letter to Immanuel #78 Fun at Kids Amaze with Daddy and Baking Fun

Monday, July 25, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

It was something you really looked forward to... Daddy coming back! You would always ask me "how many more days till Daddy come back?" Ma-ma came back as well. Ma-ma has been away in India with Daddy for a month and we would call Daddy everyday and chat with Ma-ma, gong gong and Daddy. Finally the day came! We went to Kids Amaze and had a great time together. You could also finally stay at Ma-ma house again..

A family pic! Something that is very rare these days!

Uncle Keenan also joined us and you and Ko played together. He pretended to be the monster and ran around with you.

Sliding down with Daddy!

That weekend, we also went to Auntie Jenny's house where we did some piping of steamed cakes! She is so creative and truly Mummy's Idol for all the effort she puts in for the children.


And after!

A pic with all the kids. Too bad Jerrell Kor was away that day.

We also celebrated an early birthday celebration for Auntie Jenny,

Physical Activity is soo impt! Which was why Mummy tries to plan for weekend breakfast and then off to a nearby playground for some fun. And you guys already go to a playground everyday near your sch. What are kids without play right? :)

Letter to Reiko #78 Baking Rainbow Cakes Plus a Fun Weekend With Daddy

Wednesday, July 20, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

This week is such a happy week for you because Daddy came back! You are definitely such a Daddy's girl and you would refuse to leave him out of your sight at many times. When Daddy and Mummy wanted to go out for dinner, you would ask Daddy to stay with you and Mummy to go out by myself. :( Hehe.. Anyway we went to Kids Amaze at Safra over the weekend. Look at both of your happy faces as you cuddle up with Daddy!

The run around the mazes was good!

Uncle Keenan came to join us for dinner and he pretended to be the monster to chase after both of you.

Sliding down together!

I really like this place because it is such a gd workout! :) And because there was also an ongoing promo.. so worth it!

Another hug for Daddy!

Our family!!

You and Kor had to climb up this small structure at the same time... hmm..

There was this game where the balls would float above these holes when there is air and you were so amazed.

That same week, we went for a breakfast session during the weekend and went to a different playground. Mummy believes so much in physical activity!

I was a little scared you would step through the holes and told you to be careful.

That night, we also had a playdate at Auntie Jenny's place! Jerrell Kor was not in though... We celebrated Auntie Jenny's bday!

Dancing around cos you were so happy?

Auntie Jenny was so nice and planned for us to have a baking session. We piped the colours together.

And steamed the cakes!

A pic with your favourtie Jie! Such a fun weekend!! :)