Letter to Reiko #79 When Mummy was away..

Thursday, July 28, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hiii my dear Ko!!

I just realised that I didn't have much pics of you this week, because Mummy was away for 3 days and Daddy took care of you and Imm. :) I guessed the only pic is of us just before our play "SHh.. Bang!" It is simply a pretty artsy play... something different for Mummy as well.. simply because it is made up of sounds... movement=sound. That's how I summarise it. But you kinda enjoyed it! Hehe... cos the sounds made you curious as to how they were created. The last part, the two actresses invited the children to go dance on stage, which you didn't want to.. as usual. I also remembered that day well because you were sick.:( But we still managed to go because you were a little better that day.

One of my dreams is to let you enjoy the arts and to have as much fun as possible. Another more important reason is just to spend as much time with my little girl. :) And to have new experiences together.

Well, let me share with you what Mummy did when I was away on cruise with my best friends! We went to Melaka. These were some of our sights there.

At St Paul's ruins.

Nice cosy beach! So these are Mummy good friends.. Auntie Sarah and Quntie Qin who is Imm's godma. We wanted to celebrate Auntie Sarah's hen's night as she is getting married in Sep. It was a nice recharging time for Mummy. Mummy has to be happy and psychologically well so I can be more creative to create more fun memories with both you and Kor.

We met ur godbrother Eli over the weekend but you were sleeping at this time. Mummy tried to let you sleep more so you could get well soon.

It was sad cos both you and Kor fell seriously ill over the 3 days when Mummy was away. Daddy couldn't enjoy as much as he wanted to with both of you. Cough, flu, fever, vomiting.. you name it, you had it. Sigh. Both Daddy and Mummy were so worried. I kept dosing you with lots of oils. You had not taken any medication for a long time and was so averse to it that I had to cane you so you would take it. After a couple of times, I need not syringe you anymore but you could drink by yourself from the small cup. Sorry dear, Mummy had no choice but to cane you so you could get well faster.