Letter to Reiko #116 Reagan's Birthday Party and Seletar Aerospace Park

Wednesday, April 26, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

This is you at Seletar Aerospace Park... it was a pretty hot day but you are always so happy to be at playgrounds so whenever daddy is back, we would try to find a big playground for you and imm to prance around at and to waste your energy.:)

You are always so happy and proud of yourself and would always want us to look at you, "Mummy, Daddy, come and look!" And not to mention your booming voice will definitely catch our attention. One example was when we attended Gd Fri service and it was in the hall. Mummy went to sit in front first while Daddy came with you and Imm much later. I was wondering if you guys could find me but I was thinking that I would definitely hear your voice. True enough, I heard you talking miles away. :) Yes.. there is definitely no volume in your voice at all... ALWAYS loud. :P

Yes yes, some things don't change and that is your love for ketchup. We were at AMK Outdoor mac. This is a ridiculous pic of you wearing the smurf hat and licking Ketchup away.

We can't miss having a family pic together!!! It is soooo rare for now..

Watching youtube and having breakfast. Look at both your intrigued faces. :)

We also went to Uncle Richie's house. Here is Sophie your god sister and Celeste.

See how pro Uncle Richie is in cutting the meat. :) He cooks such delicious food!!

Something we did for Auntie Huiwen. Can see the letters? This is like her nick. We had so much fun pasting the fluffy flowers. You were really happy with it. Mummy love doing such activities with you.

Last but not least, we had a lot of fun at Reagan's bday!!!! Mummy had no time to get superhero costumes... oopsss.....

And we had an amazing Magician show! Auntie Ade always host such wonderful parties. In a way, I am glad that you do not pester Mummy for such cos is not the type. Yet I would love for your friends to come over to our place in future and Mummy promise to prepare nice food for them. Yes that it one of my motivations. :)