Letter to Immanuel #117 Imm and Eli

Wednesday, April 26, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

We went to Waterway Point over the weekend.. we had lunch with Auntie Huiwen. Ko was super tired after that and slept in Daddy's arms at this playground area while you would just climb all over and play.

Contented just by sitting there!

Later on, we managed to finally meet Godma, Godpa and your Godbrother!! Haha... it was indeed a bit tough arranging to meet them cos Eli has difficulties falling asleep as he is not well the week before. But once you guys met, you really took care of him. We went to Ko's dance place together and you played with him... by wanting to carry him all the time! It was quite funny looking at both of you.

He looked so happy... what are you telling him? :)

There you go again!

It has been sometime since you all saw each other cos we have all been overseas sometime or another. Mummy is glad that you have grown up and wanting to take care of the younger ones. :)