Letter to Reiko #115 Fun at Playground and Our Reading Journey

Monday, April 10, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!!

Last weekend, there was no Heguru class so we went for breakfast with Popo to have our KFC porridge still... it is good to spend family time together. After that, we went to the nearby playground at NEX to play. Anyway you love wearing this dress... although it was a bit small but you insist on wearing it everyday for the last 3 weeks.. hahha... and you made popo buy this necklace for you... you so love little trinklets like these... :)

You and your funny face!

Posing for Mummy

By the way, you are beginning to read pretty well these days and is a lot more motivated. Once you could read, you wanted to read more and more. :)