Letter to Reiko #114 Little Moments

Monday, April 10, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!!

OOPS Mummy is a little late in writing the last 2 posts.. things have just gotten busier lately.... Let's capture some pics of you with your favourite food these days: KFC porridge!! hehe...  it has become rather like a routine for us, that we would eat porridge after Heguru and then we would go for 1115am Mass.... there is the children liturgy which you would go by yourself these days. :) Mummy is so proud of you...... and you would then tell me about the story which you have learnt...  like recently you would tell me about the blind man who can see again.

It is just simple things like these that makes Mummy so happy each weekend, seeing your smiles and spending time together.