Letter to Imm #141 Family Time in Town

Thursday, October 12, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

This is a rather late post of 2 weeks! Nonetheless.. Mummy will still try to capture these simple yet fun memories.... We went to collect our SIA race packs at Millenia Walk, thus on our way back, we decided to have some ice cream on a hot day! Now you are soooo into vanilla, which was quite funny, cos you were a chocolate lover. Now you say that chocolate is heaty. It is amusing how fickle children can be right? :)

Some shots on the Helix bridge. We hardly go to town on a weekend... and today was a nice sunny day! The natural sunlight looks awesome on happy faces.

Whilst queuing, you and Ko had to play something and this was the game both of you played.... pushing each other with all your strength, much to the amusement of the onlookers... :)

A nice family shot!!

But guess what, in the end we didn't go for the run as it was Mummy's friend, Auntie Serene's wedding!