Letter to Ko #140 Perseverance In Life

Saturday, September 30, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Not much pics of you this week I realised.. Hm I will catch up more the next week! It was also because Daddy and Mummy attended Daddy's friend, Auntie Joanna's wedding.. thus we did not spend as much time together.  This week was really just about wedding, going for berries, art class and swimming. Here you are doing your colouring as Imm was having his art class. You really loved colouring but you also needed mummy to colour together with you. :)

You would ask mummy why I had no white patches and I would tell you "keep practising and you will get there". This was what I really want to "impart" to you.. that practise always makes perfect! Which was why we try to play music daily to train our minds and fingers. These few days, you would lose your temper when Mummy tries to teach you music... and we would both be frustrated. I hope we can continue to persevere and just build on our consistency. It is important as it takes 10000 hours to build a new skill.. :) Mummy also uses it as a chance to bond together and learn together with you. You know, Mummy has always wanted to learn music but never had the chance, thus I hope both you and Kor can learn so you can use this skill to serve others. However, I must also keep in mind not to put my hopes on you and let you do what you desire. But since you are still young, I hope I can use this chance to teach you in persevering as it is definitely very important in life. :) Once we try, we can use it in different areas of life. We will definitely jiayou together and just remember that Mummy loves doing all these activities with you, colouring, learning together ok? :)