Letter to Immanuel #157 Our Family and Friends

Sunday, February 11, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

Yay we managed to make a playdate with Emmanuel Choon at Macs this week! After that, we went to play at the playground beside Mac. Mummy tries as much as possible to make arrangements to meet up with your friends... esp knowing that you missed them. You are settling really well in your school too. You told me in Chinese that you love school cos you like to learn. :P

Some activities that you do during student care outdoor activity.. you proudly told me that you could climb up the obstacle easily. :)

yes, Mummy has promised to play battleship with you!

And also playing Poker cards with Ko!

We also did some robots using clay powder.. it was soooo cute... Mummy enjoyed these kinda activities.

Cute little clay robots!

And some of the things we loved to do... going to the library and reading your plants and zombies comics.. they are in Chinese! If the pics look interesting, you would ask me to read the story.

Playing with water guns before swimming.. :)

Loving our dinner family date at Cornerchef!

During the weekend, we also went to visit Auntie Huiwen, saw her baby Asher and bought chicken rice over for dinner.. yums.. loving catch up times like these.. I hope you do too Imm!