Letter to Immanuel #158 Safari Zoo Run and Your Mood Swings

Sunday, February 11, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

We went for our Zoo race 2 weeks ago! It was definitely nice hanging out as a a family! But ahh... Daddy and Mummy were also upset with you during this time....

First, you didn't want to take photos when we asked you.. but thats a small thing..

But suddenly requested to take with Ah Meng.. And it was not that.. it was just how you behaved after the race... lemme share later..

Daddy encouraging you along the way!!!

Yay a sense of completion!

We also met up with Uncle Kenneth, Auntie Charlene, Zach and Joshua. Playing with Zach :)

What happened was after meeting them, we had to walk back to the entrance to take a cab... and you were whiny and kept making some weird sounds.. all the way. Despite telling you to stop several times. We understood that it could be tiring but Daddy and Mummy were upset that you are always easily affected by your moods and it can really turned the day upside down...... There were several instances when you let you moods take over and refused to do anything else. What can we do boy? Sometimes, it is really patience x 10000 with you. Daddy and Mummy are racking our brains at times on how to teach you...

On a last note.. our house is ready! Invited Godma, Godpa and Eli over for dinner! :)

Random drawings you loved doing :)