Letter to Reiko #159 Bye to Yantin and Happy Birthday to Emmanuel!

Wednesday, February 28, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Look at your funny face! Another weekend we stayed home and played with board games.. Monopoly! The Junior series is easy enough.. but Imm would be playing for you most of the time though.. hehe..

Time at home together but interested in different things.. I think you were playing with some syringes of sort..

we gave a treat to Auntie Yantin before she went back to Indonesia.. she had been a good play companion to you these 2 years, besides helping Mummy with housework..

All about to enjoy our food!

We all woke at 4am.. after sending her off, we went for breakfast before going to school. What a long day it was!

Yay! A lovely surprise made with much love by Imm and Daddy!! You were so happy with the flowers too and Mummy knows you love pretty things!

We had a good time celebrating Emmanuel Choon's bday. You were happy to be playing with Zhan Peng.. He is your constant playmate whenever we go to Imm's friends' bday cos he is Shermaine's brother.. :)

Love this pic of you balancing!