Letter to Immanuel #176 Playdate with Darryl and Picnic with Eli

Sunday, June 24, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

Look at how funny you are in that pose :) haha... you just simply love playing with Darryl these days!!!! We went over for a playdate after lunch and even after playing for many hours, you even wanted to stay at his house... gosh! Both of you built guns with lego together.. look at the many guns sticking out of Darryl's pocket.. hmm..

Another highlight that weekend was having Families for Life Picnic celebrating Father's Day. We love picnics... we used to have them overseas and it was much more cooler.. that day was a very hot day! But with nice company. we can tahan!

Enjoying your cotton candy!

You were upset cos your cotton candy seemed smaller and you finished it in no time as compared to Ko... oops..

Playing and running around with Eli... Mummy loves to see all of you having fun... may you all continue to be close like real brothers.. you were happy that Eli is probably going to be in the same sch as you.. you will be in P5 and he will be in P1!

Letter to Reiko #176 Playdate with Darryl and Picnic with Eli

Sunday, June 24, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Didn't we had fun playing with Darryl last week? We had hotpot lunch today and since we had no plans, we went over for a playdate!

And the next day, we had another fun event - Families For Life Picnic where we had fun with Eli! Since they came a bit later, we went to take our cotton candy first..

Look at you enjoying the cotton candy.. yumz!

This time we were very prepared.. we have 3 big picnic mats now!

Definitely have lots of fun running around... and there was this boy who blew bubbles too and 3 of you were just running after him.. it was quite amusing seeing how u all love bubbles so much and want to catch them :) The wonders of childhood!

I hope all 3 of you would continue having so much fun when u all grow up... :))

Letters to Reiko #175 Pizza and Terrarium Making

Sunday, June 24, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!

Mummy had a fun time doing our pizza together! It was a personalised one with your name on it..

It is big with yummy pieces of nice chicken from CP!

We will sure go there for workshops again!

 Another activity you enjoyed was doing our terrarium with diff layers of coloured sand..

 How did I know? You were sooooo focused!! Mummy loves your this look...

And also carefully adding in your air plant.. you loved to take care of plants and would sometimes help Popo to water...

This was something you love to do these days.. hanging by our necks... our necks are very strong because of that now..

We also do another terrarium around the same time, using coloured salt.. you sure love all these!

Saw a Setup on Jurassic World when we went PS.. but how come you looked so grumpy?

Letter to Immanuel #175 Emporium Shokuhin Pizza Fun and Terrarium Workshop

Sunday, June 24, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!

This was something that Daddy and Mummy really like too! Pizza making workshop! And it was not just any other pizza making.. it was really fun! I think the fun part was about personalizing it and making your name :) And don't we love the CP chicken too??

Now we know where is gd for the next hol workshop!

You also discovered a game which you loved - Karnoodle! You saw cousins playing and tried it. From then on, you kept asking when the toy was coming as we bought it online, much to the irritation of Mummy... This was a game something that Mummy could not do as well as you.. seeing 3D images.. you sure got it from Daddy. We all know how you and Daddy are alike.. love everything hands on.. hehe..

We also made a terrrarium by putting layers of coloured sand and then choosing an air plant.

This was the kind of hands on Mummy loved too.. artsy and pretty stuff.. hehe..

We walked around at a street market but it was far too hot!

Below are now picts from the previous week after we went to the museum.. Mummy is getting the pics mixed up cos I am catching up on my writing.. oh dear!

We ate at this really cheap place at PS which had free icecream and drinks.. You loved the chocolate icecream there though you normally like vanilla... you had a few servings.. Look at your cheeky face! :)

A pic with Courtesy Lion and remember to always treat others with kindness and respect!

we also went to PS to look at Jurassic World Set up... we joined a free event which involved putting in different coloured salt this time.. lol..

Letters to Reiko #174 A Trip to National Museum and Tech Sat

Saturday, June 23, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

We went to the National Museum and also went for Tech Sat events but mummy didn't take many photos. One of my favourite pic that weekend was seeing your happy face with Imm and Daddy. Outdoor fun is great.. we all need to have our vitamin D. You would constantly want to go in the aircon though cos you dun like to feel hot..

We had a wonderful time at Tech Sat where we truly ate our fill with the churros, sausage buns etc. One of the fun stations was learning about antibiotics and bacteria.. which explains why you look like a scientist with those specs :) Looking forward to more adventures!

Letter to Immanuel #174 Tech Sat and A Trip to the Museum

Saturday, June 23, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Imm!!

We went to Tech Sat event. You really loved going through all the tech games and exploring. I took most pics of you checking out about virus and bacteria.

It was nice seeing you so excited and happy. :)

Overall it was nice cos we managed to fly a drone, eat churros, bread with sausages.. it was a free event so it was really great! :)

We also went to the National Museum recently and just hung around, looking at short films and also playing at the playground. Simple and fun. Most importantly, it is about bonding as a family! 

We sat on rides together, sat on swings.. in the hot weather... hehe.. but it was still so fun... we came to the museum but walked around quickly enjoying the aircon and played more outside. So ironic.. 

A random pict of you!