Letter to Reiko #176 Playdate with Darryl and Picnic with Eli

Sunday, June 24, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Didn't we had fun playing with Darryl last week? We had hotpot lunch today and since we had no plans, we went over for a playdate!

And the next day, we had another fun event - Families For Life Picnic where we had fun with Eli! Since they came a bit later, we went to take our cotton candy first..

Look at you enjoying the cotton candy.. yumz!

This time we were very prepared.. we have 3 big picnic mats now!

Definitely have lots of fun running around... and there was this boy who blew bubbles too and 3 of you were just running after him.. it was quite amusing seeing how u all love bubbles so much and want to catch them :) The wonders of childhood!

I hope all 3 of you would continue having so much fun when u all grow up... :))