Letter to Immanuel #193 All Saints' Day, Ma-ma's Birthday

Sunday, December 09, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Dear Imm,

Mummy has been missing out on many blog posts.. I think about 4 so far. But thank goodness for these photos.. we can still remember these memories! One celebration you had in your school was All Saints' Day in which Daddy also dressed up as a Saint... with his staff and robe. I think he was supposed to be Saint Peter... what was great is that Daddy uses his time well to get involved in your school activities, which I feel is so nice. Flexibility in time is good. Though our income is less, we spend more time with you and Ko, which cannot be bought by money!

We also celebrated Ma-ma's birthday that weekend. We had beef horfun and misc!

Yumz! Actually it was more of Daddy's favourite.. hehe..

After that we saw some terrapins at a nearby shop. Both you and Ko were so interested. I know how much u all want we know from previous experiences that most grown up terrapins dun end up well.. so yea...

We also went to an event at TP CC in which we played games and just enjoyed the atmosphere. :)

Taking the train with Ko!

Fighting with balloon swords..

You like sitting in this so much that we had to queue twice for it... gee..

After that we went for our swim! It was an eventful weekend and we hope to continue building lovely memories by looking out for activities!