Letter to Reiko #199 Gingerbread House Making Workshop

Saturday, December 29, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi Ko!!

Waa there are so many Christmas events that Mummy has lost track of when they happen... one of them was at Shangri La.. where we decorated our Gingerbread Man House! But before that we went around admiring all the decor first!

It was a nice process in which the parents get to enjoy pastries and coffee while the children get to work on their project. But you didn't decorate much and just enjoyed more of the eating.. hehe

can't wait to start to build our house!

Thank goodness there were helpers so the parents can relax.. hehe..

We went together with Uncle Ajie, Aunt Peisan, Godpa and godma..

I guess you love the food too!

A photo with everyone together!

After our session, we had lunch at Beauty in A Pot

All in all, we had loads of fun eating and relaxing this weekend! :)